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Can anyone give me an idea of how large a car you need to transport an eglu and run please? It is looking like I would have to use a large taxi at this rate and I am not sure if they would take the unusual luggage?!!!


How many pieces does the run break into also? :?:



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I reckon it would - if you take the run into its constituent pieces, and stack them together, they should go round the curve of the Eglu, so to speak.


I got mine into a Ford Focus, along with three chickens, two people and various bits of chicken paraphernalia!

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sorry I should have added that one of the 'two people' was me, driving, and the other was in the passenger seat - once the Eglu was in, there wouldn't have been room for anyone else in the back.


Could you hire one of those six-seater type minicabs, and get them to put the seats down?

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hmm - could you do it in two stages? How far have you got to go? I would offer to help but you're south of the river aren't you ... and I don't have a free weekend for about a month!


Got a friend with a larger car? Could you just tell the taxi firm you're picking up a large package, and don't mention the 'chicken' word - after all, the marvellous thing about an Eglu is that it can be hosed completely clean, it's just transporting a bit of plastic really.

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I (well, the kind Jayne and helpful hubby) got an eglu and run in a Clio (Campus version) with the back seets down. The run sort of slid half down behind the front seets, and half in the boot, there was then enough room in the boot for the eglu. I could also have had a passenger in the front seat. It was literally JUST wide enough to get the run in.

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