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Hurrah we've ordered our cube!

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we've done it! we've ordered our cube :D I'm just so excited. Looking forward to hearing when we shall receive it.


Next weekend we pick up our 2 skylines from Ben. Then when the cube is here we shall be selling the pink eglu and using the purple one for some bantams.


How exciting!

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well I was tempted by the Lilac but really had my heart set on orange so I ordered a .... purple one! Hubby said that orange would clash with the purple eglu :(


isn't it amazing how all the DHs have the final say :evil: even though it is me who is buying it! :lol:


any idea how long they are taking to be delivered at the moment?

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Congrats by the way! I'm very envious I'm either going to get a eglu to begin with then a cube or cube first and then a eglu to put some bantams in by summer.


You will have to update us here! lots of piccys when it arrives and all :lol: sorry but we are kind of nosey here :D .

Also lots of pics of your beautiful skylines when you get them :D

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ooh yes, how long? I am dithering ...

(a) get a Cube, and put my two flocks in together :roll:

(b) get a Cube with an extension, put my two flocks in and add a couple more ... :lol:

© put the run extension, which I have never used, onto the purple Eglu and converter, and put both flocks in together :?


© would be cheapest, but I don't like the 'polytunnel' look of the Eglu + converter + run, and I wanted the extra space that a Cube gives as mine are in the run most of the day


(a) is worrying me a bit, because one of my two original Omlet girls can hold her own, but poor little Siggy gets jumped on every time the two Eglus free-range together.


I thought maybe if I did (b), the addition of a couple of newbies would 'spread the hate', as Aunty E so eloquently puts it, and take the pressure off Siggy. I am dithering really over the cost, keep trying to cut back my outgoings but not succeeding at the moment. :?


All ideas gratefully received!

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It arrives on 13th March :dance:


I have just one query though. Am I better selling my eglu with run or without? Is there much call for an eglu without a run? Only my new big girls will be integrated quite quickly but it will take some time before my bantams can be integrated, so they will need the run attached to the purple eglu for a while. That will mean quite a delay on selling the pink one... and at this rate, with us all upgrading, there will be quite a glut of eglus on Ebay :lol:

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anyone buying it could get a run from Omlet, so as long as you price it accordingly, I don't see why it shouldn't sell - you could mention that in the sale particulars.


There have been a lot for sale on eBay, but the price seems to be holding quite well as they are such a popular item.

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I paid about £12 extra for one of mine and got it next day delivery :D (I'm not very good at waiting for things :oops: ).


oh really????? dare I ring them a third time? :oops:

I would be so embarrased!


update - ok so I rung them again :oops: they were very nice but they said their is no movement on the cube date :( but other items can be done on a 3 day service!

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