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Guest Poet

film "Grow Your Own"

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just watched a film called "Grow Your Own" about a group of refugees who get allocated some allotments in Liverpool. A nice, gentle film with touching characters. It has some brilliant moments of subtle humour. Benedict Wong is one of the best British actors around at the moment, IMO.


If you get the chance, it's worth watching.

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it's not often I enjoy a film these days but the last 2 I've seen, this one and Juno, I've really enjoyed.


We used to go to a couple of independant cinemas, FACT in Liverpool and The Cornerhouse in Manchester but for one reason or another, we haven't been for ages, so it was nice to enjoy some decent films for a change :D


Cat's recommendation, Little Miss Sunshine is next on my 'to watch' list...

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We went to see National Treasure book of Secrets with the children on Thursday evening, it is a good old fashioned family adventure story not as good as the first but still great. Managed to eat a big bag of butterkist pop corn almost single handedly :oops:


I had forgotten about Grow Your Own I must watch it.


Also watched 2 of my favourite films on dvd last week I am Sam and Sleepless in Seattle both always make me bawl my eyes out :oops:

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Cat's recommendation, Little Miss Sunshine is next on my 'to watch' list...


You will love this film - very funny indeed. :lol:


I might just see if i can find 'Grow Your Own' on the movie channel now :idea:



Poet you mentioning the Cornerhouse in Manchester has really taken me back a few years - seem many a good film there in my time! :D

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Emma, it's still there and going strong. I really must go back soon, we just jump off the train at Oxford Road and it's what, 50 paces from the station? :D


Sarah, let me know what you think of it, I hope you enjoy it :D

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I watched Grow Your Own on Dvd from the library about a month ago!


I have been recommending it to lots of people, its such a gentle film and I was engrossed throughout- afterwards I realised that it only had the one location, and sometimes I get bored with films (even when they are set all across the world and are action packed) so it just goes to show how a good script and good acting does not need gimicks.

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