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Home required for 3 very tame chooks.

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We are having some major restructuring to the rear of our house and as a result we would need to keep our three girls locked up 24/7. At present they free range all the time and we think its going to be both cruel and uncomfortable for them to be locked up all the time.


We're hoping someone could have them for the time we have all the work done (approx 8 weeks) but if the girls are settled at their new home, then I guess if its ok with the "new owner" they could stay there permanently, so as not to put them through another relocation.


They are all nearly 12 months old and we get 3 eggs a day from them. We have 2 Black Rocks and 1 Brown Nick. They are very tame and follow you wherever you go in the garden.


We live in the Manchester area and hoping to have them in their new home by next week if possible. (The builder has brought our job forward!!).


I'm happy to travel with them, though not too far for their sakes...






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we just don't have the room sadly but we're in Widnes (about 30 miles from Manchester) so we could B&B them for a few days (provided you bring their eglu/run) if someone further afield wanted to take them on, if that's any help? :?


Wish we could have them but we just don't have the room to keep them permanently :(

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5 hens would be fine in an eglu, I know as I've done it. I separated the run with omlet netting for the first two weeks so they could see each other but no contact. I lifted the new girls into the eglu at night so they could sleep together and lifted them back out in the morning. After two weeks I let them all in together and I've had no problems, they get along well.


It's not the size of the eglu you need to think about but the size of the run.

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Hey Rob

we live in wardle near rochdale

have room for a few more chooks

if you have not rehoused them please pm me or contact

barbara@omlet.co.uk for my details





(edit- Neil i have removed your number and email address and passed them on to barbara at Omlet HQ


She will email you back if she hears from Rob) - Christian

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