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What type of chicken is this?!

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Hi. I have hatched this chicken from eggs sold as Rhode Island Reds. However it is clear that this one is not a RIR. I was wondering if anyone could help me identify it. Its twelve weeks old. I keep saying "it" as I am still unsure of sex. I understand that it may be a cross of some sort but help on the sex and breed would be greatly appreciated.


Mo 2



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Well it's definitely not an RIR and it doesn't look like a she either! :shock: Huge legs and very well developed comb and wattles for a 12 weeker. Could it be a male version of the gingernut ranger? (RIR x light sussex). females are ginger, males are white. Although is that a rose comb rather than a single comb? :? Be interesting to hear what others think! :D

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Hi McPhail,

I don't have a clue what it is as I'm still quite new to all this but it is rather beautiful! Does it always stay so white?

When looking at your photo's I was rather glad to see that it had slightly feathery legs! I've noticed that Minnie, my pepperpot has little feathers on the side of her legs. I did give her a talk about shaving but she wasn't interested! Is it normal for them to have these little feathers and is it just a breed thing?


Lisa :?

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Thanks for all the replies. I shall contact the guy I got the eggs from and see what he says- I'll post it on here. I had suspicions that it was a cockerel (always squaring up to others) but thought with smaller comb and a quiet nature might be a hen. Oh well. I'll keep you posted.

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Wow..so many suggestions. I do think though that he is most likely to be a male Wyandotte x RIR. I am sure he will look very much like bronze's male wyandotte when fully grown- his wattles are already fairly developed. I'm guessing the feathery legs are a random result of the cross!!

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