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baby bears mum

Its arrived!!

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Our purple Eglu arrived today :D . Daughter now knows its a yes to the chickens (after a lot of pleading) - big surprise when she got home from school. :shock:


Now all we have to do is wait for the ladies. Ginny (the buff sussex) Weasley, Hermione (the light sussex) Grainger and Luna (the Rhode Island Red) Lovegood will be ready in about 4 weeks - Harry Potter has a lot to answer for. :wink:


Dad doesn't know he's having Luna yet - it's his Easter present from Eleanor. :lol:


We will be having Cluckingham Palace on grass as it will be moved regularly and we will be free ranging. Any advice on what I need to get before the ladies arrive would be gratefully received. :)


Thanks for all your help so far. It's going to be a looooooooooong few weeks!! :?









P.S. how do you get the eglu thingy on in your signature please? I've tried but it doesn't seem to be working - I'm not even going down the avatar route (I thought Avatar was a cartoon show :doh: ).

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Hello and congratulations on your eglu!!


If you look here -




it explains how to add pictures to your signature. Once you know the codes, go to your profile at the top of the page and put them in your signature.


Any problems send me a private message and i will sort it out for you!


edited to add - I see Emma has posted the link already :doh:

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(purple eglu) is the best! 8)


What to get before they arrive? er, folding deckchair to sit and watch them, extra camera battery .... seriously, I reckon it's worth investing in garlic powder because it really keeps the smell down. I've fed mine on it from the beginning.


If you're keeping the run on grass, then you probably won't need aubiose or hemcore (until you decide they need a permanent area ... sorry if I sound pessimistic about the grass business!) but shredded paper or similar is good for the poo tray, helps to stop it sticking.


Rubber gloves, scrubbing brush and an old towel for cleaning the Eglu?

Matching purple tubtrug? You don't need a lot of stuff, but you might like to start collecting egg-boxes! Your chooks sound lovely, great names too - we will want pictures when they arrive.

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Thanks all. :D:D:D


Blimey Olly garlic powder! Garlic has the opposite effect on OH. :vom: How much do you give them please? I totally agree about the grass and have a spot in reserve for when my OH (whose idea it is to keep them on the grass) changes his mind! :whistle: Strange isn't it that he wasn't at all interested in the beginning :lol: You forgot something though - the chilled bottle of wine (I wish). Thanks for your help.


Jem we'd better not get our ladies together it could prove a bit too magical having them from different sides!!! :shock:


Thank you all again.


I am sure I will be begging for advice again soon.





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