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Ms Tilytinkle

frivolous query . .

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Hello all,


Hope you're all bright eyed & bushy tailed!


Just trying to upload avatar , after much grumbling & many oh try just once more . . i now have 4 little pictures. Is there a way to alternate them?

Just curious, but how do i know the ones i have chosen arent already in use.

I have seen some really nice ones but they're all toooooo big !


counting down . . 6 chooks & cube arrive 6th March.

Quaking in my er my ickle bare feet especially after reading post again on noisy chooks :o Oooh Bless, my neighbour's in for a lovely treat!!! 6 serenading her at dawn!



Ms TilychillingonHoliHoliday

( yes how sad still reading forum :)


PPPPPP(white chicken)(white chicken)(Bluebelle)(cube green)

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You need a gif animator msTily.


The only way to find out if they are already in use is if someone says "Oi...that's my avatar!" I think.


There are one or two duplicated ones on the forum.


I'll see if I can do anything with them for you if you send me a pm with the links to the pics.

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Oh Mrs Tilyentertainingusall,


we wondered where you were! It's time I upgraded my avatar, I had so much trouble finding one that wasn't too big, I gave up when I got to this one, however I think it's quite suitable as I am always on here late at night and have red eyes in the morning to show for it. I might look for something more soothing though.


It's not sad at all to be reading the forum on holiday. Entirely natural, I think!

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Teee heee, my husband would disagree :) He thinks I am crazy reading about chickens, choosing avatars . .. showing him all these cute photographs of chickens

that he has no interest in seeing.

Ah well each to their own, i mean I am home alone in an apartment up in the Rhodope Mountains of Pamporovo (Bulgaria) . . sun streaming onto the balcony, its a lovely 21oC in the sunshine . .I mean how crazy is this, he's hurtling down some mountain side on these great big long silver things that look like tapered fence posts, wearing silly hats, gogles & stuffed shell suits, holding poles in each hand to help him walk,then he finds a steep hill covered in ice & snow .. hurtles down it, gets to bottom & then gets lifts back up, then whizzes down again . .now you see - that to me is madness!!! and he pays for it. Hmmm i can be horizontal and it costs me nothing, don't even need fences to assist me to fall.

Although I do enjoy the hot chocolate with a wee drop of brandy, enjoy waving to all these fellow tapered fence enthusiasts who insist on hurtling by as quickly as possible.


Now, rambling again - looked at gif animator . .yikes not sure about that, tried to copy & pase - er couldnt do that either . .i guess i'll just swop them round when the frivolous mood takes me


Many thanks for your kind offer to help, do either of you recognise this 'excited' chicken avatar as anyones? :)


I should have the owl avatar today, had such late night last night my eyes are red & aching :)



Ms Tilyupinthesnowymountainssafelysittingdown



PP(white chicken)(Bluebelle)PP(white chicken)PP(cube green)

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The mountains aren't so bad, fantastic views, beautiful trees - books here too .. but Cinnamon, are you sure you've really taken advantage of the potentials - i mean the best part is catching the sun all day but more importantly being taken out every evening to a restaurant of some sort, choosing a delicious meal - not cooking it, nor shopping for it nor washing up or clearing up after it. Broad range of cuisine, flavours & delights. Meeting many varied interesting different acquaintances; all on holiday so all very happy :) Maids making beds & cleaning rooms everyday . .. need i go on!!!

Dearest Heart can ski til his hearts content . . i've my sightseeing itinary, my books, laptop & chooks forum, writing journals . . SPA centres, walks in forest . .etc etc then meet up for romantic rendevouz


Get ya hubby to snowboard somewhere like here ..ah yes then we could share books, info on chooks, suncream & picnic ha ha


Actually i was thinking of talking to the manager & suggesting they should have their own chickens :) free range organic eggs every morning - great interest for kids - great for paying guests to eat - great for all concerned.



Ms Tilywatchingsunsetoverpinecladmountains


PP(white chicken)(Bluebelle)PP(white chicken)PP(cube green)

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Oh God, it sounds blissful 8)


Now heres an odd thing . I have just been on My ebay, & found that he has a chalet in Bugaria on watching.....

Do you reckon it might be a Mothers day pressie for me ,plus somewhere he can jolly off to with his mates to throw themselves down the mountains a couple of times a year? :lol:


Whats the food like over there? :wink:

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Gooood Morning Lovely Ladies,

The sky is blue, the sun is shining as the snow is thawing from the roof tops - so i have my very own personal waterfall cascading infront of the window. .. guttering er whats that !!!! But i hear the earth moved for some of you guys this morning . .wow earthquake!! There is no News channel on apartment TV but the telegraph online has a video newslink :) Brill. Hope all is okay with any of you affected & all chooks ruffled feathers now soothed - wonder if they noticed :)


I still haven't found a 'hemcore' supplier close to me, will have to get skates on when we get home.

Shall we put something in the nesting box to start with so they realise its not their bed or just leave them to sort it out for themselves . . ie do we start them off as they intend to go on? :shock:


Cinammon, well the food is . . .erm ..well its almost edible :) after the first evening enjoying a peppered steak, 2nd evening i realised that was almost it on menu . . not very extensive. Today i popped into supermarket, rolls, cheese, ham, tomatoe etc . . shame they don't appear to have any traditional dishes.

Food is very basic, ribs, steak, burger, feta salad er & a pasta dish & thats it!!! However we haven't ventured very far yet so maybe other restaurants are bette.


Ms TilynotskiingbutgoingtoseestarsinPlanetariumatSmolyan



PP(white chicken)PP(white chicken)PP(Bluebelle)(cube green)

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Good morning, Ms Tilyhaventacareintheworld. :wink:


The earthquake did wake me up. I thought we were being burgled! It was a relief to hear the news this morning and realise what it was.


The girls seemed completely unfazed when I let them out this morning. But their eglu is on stilts so maybe they didn't feel it.


Enjoy the planetarium! :)

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