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Martin B

Omlet the book

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They've certainly written one about basic chicken keeping Martin, and it includes a bit about the range of hen-houses on the market, including, of course, the eglu :D, although doesn't really cover the history of how they came up with the design of the eglu.

It is a very easy read, with a lot of gorgeous photos, both of chickens, and the authors, Will & Johannes. It's called "Keeping Pet Chickens" and I'm sure it's available from Omlet. The book itself is relatively inexpensive, around £5 I think, although I suspect that the p&p might add on a bit. Have a look in the Omlet shop section :):)

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Have a look in the Omlet shop Martin, Johannes and William have written a book called "Keeping pet chickens" it is only £4.50 and a very informative book with lots of lovely pics. of Eglu's and other hen houses, i read it from cover to cover and really enjoyed it............... :lol::lol:

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