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The Dogmother

Freecycle nightmare

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*deep breaths now*


Ok, I answered a freecycle ad for a NEFF gas hob and electric fan oven... sounded nice, told blokie that I'd be round this evening between 6.30 and 6.45pm - he said he'd be in and he had my numbers and email....


Trekked out there (with Rosie) to find that he wasn't even in... no answer on door or phone! waited 10 minutes, then put a note through his door and headed off. He called when we'd been back 20 minutes, said that he hadn't had my number :twisted: to tell me that he wouldn't be in... he had both my mobile and landline numbers! He said that it was 'in the lane beside his house'... so I called Phil to come round and babysit and headed out again and had a look at it...total rubbish - all dented, scratched and completely filthy. I knocked on the door and told him that I wouldn't be taking it because of the condition. Non-starter really! He's new to freecycle and obviously thought it was an ideal way to get rid of rubbish that he couldn't be bothered to take to the dump.


I am right royally hacked off that I have wasted the best part of my evening careering around unlit lanes on a wild goose chase.


How very dare he put something like that on Freecycle?!

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How inconsiderate.


Can you report him to the local organiser?


I would, but I don't have their contact details and there's no link to them from the site. I occasionally have roundrobins from them and will tell them when I next get one.


Pengy, I spoke to the chap and he described it to me - no mention of any damage and I was careful to ask that as well. I was not best pleased and it was all I could manage not to give him a ticking off!


TBH, I wouldn't even have considered freecycling that.


I'm a tad disappointed because my ancient cooker is knackered and I was hoping that this would be what I wanted. :roll:

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I've collected several things from freecycle and felt I could not say I thought they were in awful condition, I have then taken the item and dropped off at the dump on the way home!


Gosh that makes me sooo stupid - why am I so incapable of saying NO THANK YOU VERY MUCH! They obviously are using freecycle as a free dumping service! :evil:

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oh how infuriating. Most people Freecycle stuff that is actually very good and could be sold, but (like me) they can't be bothered and just want rid - that is such a disappointment, on top of your wasted time.


If I have Freecycled something that was broken or incomplete, I've always been really honest about it - most people are.


To be honest it probably isn't worth reporting him, because he will just make out that you were being really picky or something. Write it off to experience (and mark his name down so that you NEVER contact him again.) It's like all these things, works well 99% of the time until someone like him comes along and spoils it. Really sorry to hear that, because my Freecycle experiences have been mostly good.

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I run the Rugby Freecycle and the contact details for each group should be on the main page of their group, if it's not let me know the group and I'll let them know they need to put it on it's one of the rules of running a group.


You should contact them, all the time I get emails from members letting me know about other members that are causing issues and the worst one definately is someone not being there when you go round to pick stuff up. When we receive these we send out a notice to everyone letting them know that they need to be courteous and treat others how they'd expect to be treated and we just generally refresh the rules.


Freecycle does work and is good but I too wish that only people that genuinely used it for what it's for used it rather than people trying to nab some free stuff. To be 100% since we've moved we take a lot of our things to the local (leamington) tip as they've got this great shop that sells stuff on and raises money for charity!

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I've put a couple of bits on our freecycle (no hen houses or layers mash - nif you read my other thread you'll understand this), some gates I found in my garden - that said - will need sanding and painting, and a sofa bed - that said needs recovering (Boris had ripped the cover).


I think if you are honest about what you are advertising - it makes it easier for all concerned. :D

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