Sarah B Posted February 28, 2008 Share Posted February 28, 2008 Hi all, I have taken delivery of 2 lovely chickens today and I'm well chuffed. Have a question though, I know they need to be kept in the run and eglu for 5 days but I am planning to let them free range the garden when we are in. This means they wont be able to free range and explore until the weekend after next.........Is it cruel to keep them in the run this long? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Laura & CTB Posted February 28, 2008 Share Posted February 28, 2008 Not cruel at all - the run was designed as adequate for two chooks even if they never come out of the run. Mind you I dont think you'll find that many of us that could wait five days anyway mine were out and about after two - a handful of corn soon helped them back to the run Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted February 28, 2008 Share Posted February 28, 2008 Not cruel....they will be fine. Maybe if there is a pleasant evening mid week you could let them out for half an hour or so under supervision. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarah B Posted February 28, 2008 Author Share Posted February 28, 2008 Mind you I dont think you'll find that many of us that could wait five days anyway quote] LOL I will have to wait as work 9-5 (boo) and really dont want to let them out this weekend cos of the cats. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarah B Posted February 28, 2008 Author Share Posted February 28, 2008 Not cruel....they will be fine. Maybe if there is a pleasant evening mid week you could let them out for half an hour or so under supervision. Yes thats an idea, but I would rather that their first outing is an all day affair with supervision because of the cats. I'm glad it's not cruel to keep them in the run though. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eyren Posted February 28, 2008 Share Posted February 28, 2008 Yes thats an idea, but I would rather that their first outing is an all day affair with supervision because of the cats. I can understand wanting to supervise them if you have four cats, but why the emphasis on letting them free-range all day? They will have to get used to being put back in the run at whatever time is convenient for you - even at weekends, we always put ours back in the run at if we are going out, on the (admittedly remote) chance Mr Fox decides to pay a call! Unless your garden is huge, I can't see any harm in letting them out of the run for an hour or so, even if you've only had them a couple of days. Arm yourself with a couple of tablespoons of tinned sweetcorn (drained and rinsed), and they'll be putty in your hands Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tara.F Posted February 28, 2008 Share Posted February 28, 2008 we found it much easier in the beginning to just let them out an hour before dusk they are quite mellow at that time and deliberately stay within sight sight of the eglu. waddling back in of their own accord at bedtime In the meantime, each evening when you take their treats out, make your 'noise'. (I do a high pitched bokbok, my daughter says cluckcluck, everyone has their own noise) so that the chooks learn to run after you. This ensures that you can get them back in the run sharpish in an emergency. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eyren Posted February 28, 2008 Share Posted February 28, 2008 Great tip, Tara! Mine come running like Olympic sprinters the minute I make my chicken noise Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarah B Posted February 28, 2008 Author Share Posted February 28, 2008 Good advice thanks, I'm already doing my approaching noise which is a cluck sort of noise (blimey people reading this must think I'm either nuts or a sad woman with a chicken fixation lol) - they would be right! I'm just reluctant to let them out unsupervised for only an hour on their first garden forage. They seem quite scared of me at the mo and what is this thing they do where they stand like statues almost asleep but not???? (I'm watching out of the kitchen window). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eyren Posted February 28, 2008 Share Posted February 28, 2008 They seem quite scared of me at the mo and what is this thing they do where they stand like statues almost asleep but not???? (I'm watching out of the kitchen window). They do all sorts of weird bird things Wait until they start sunbathing - I thought mine was having a seizure, the first time I saw her half keeled-over with one leg stuck out! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hen Watch Posted February 28, 2008 Share Posted February 28, 2008 What about when you first hear them purr..... I'd seen others mention it on the forum and thought they were pulling my leg, but after a few months of having them, Henny started to purr like a cat whilst enjoying her dustbath...... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted February 28, 2008 Share Posted February 28, 2008 Endearing isn't it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mirkwood Posted February 28, 2008 Share Posted February 28, 2008 I am just so worried that they may try to get on our 7 ft fences ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tara.F Posted February 28, 2008 Share Posted February 28, 2008 we clipped all our girls wings when we first got them....and we've never had to do it again even though one of our bantams is kind of flighty, none of them ever try to escape and I like the thought that they can out jump any cat! once they know where home is, they'll be fine Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eyren Posted February 29, 2008 Share Posted February 29, 2008 I am just so worried that they may try to get on our 7 ft fences ? Not unless they are bantams with unclipped wings, I wouldn't have thought. Even my most flighty bantam hasn't attempted to get out yet, and our perimeter fences are only about 5-6ft; she's quite happy just perching on the low trellis fence behind the eglu. Admittedly she's never been trying to escape from a cat or dog - but I think I would forgive her in those circumstances! Are you getting your girls from Omlet? Most hybrids are too placid to even try to fly very far. My Speckledy used to flap up onto the eglu run but that was about her limit - and clipping her wings prevented her from doing even that. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clur Posted February 29, 2008 Share Posted February 29, 2008 If you're worried about your chickens being in the run, try some additions in there to make it more comfortable for them. I've put a tree branch in for them to perch and regularly hang greens up for them to peck. I use hemcore in the run and chuck in some grit and corn for them to scratch round for. I kept my 3 in the run for a day before letting them out, and they are confined to their run until my husband gets back from work. I think yours will be fine! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chelsea Posted February 29, 2008 Share Posted February 29, 2008 yes dont worry about your chooks, they do like to make us feel guilty! Hanging broccoli or a seed bell will keep them occupied for a while. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tessa the Duchess Posted February 29, 2008 Share Posted February 29, 2008 Hanging broccoli or a seed bell will keep them occupied for a while. The best boredom buster for my chickens is when I hang a white cabbage in the run, they spend hours pecking at it, much cheaper than a peckablok Tessa Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted February 29, 2008 Share Posted February 29, 2008 The best boredom buster for my chickens is when I hang a white cabbagein the run, they spend hours pecking at it, much cheaper than a peckablok You can say that again! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarah B Posted February 29, 2008 Author Share Posted February 29, 2008 Thank you so much for all the advice, I'm not doing very well at the mo because one of the girls has very bad stinky yellow runny poo and they are still frightened. I think I'm a rubbish hen Mum. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goosey Lucy Posted February 29, 2008 Share Posted February 29, 2008 Don't panic, you're doing fine. Everyone panics at first (well I did) but life soon settles down. As they come into lay they become much less flighty. Treats work really well for getting them to socialise with you. They also help to get them into the run if you need to get them in in a hurry. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goosey Lucy Posted February 29, 2008 Share Posted February 29, 2008 Another thought, try giving them garlic powder with their food. Although the garlic smell is strong, by the time it has passed through the chicken there's no pong. Make sure it's the horsey stuff not what you can buy in supermarkets Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eyren Posted February 29, 2008 Share Posted February 29, 2008 Thank you so much for all the advice, I'm not doing very well at the mo because one of the girls has very bad stinky yellow runny poo and they are still frightened. I think I'm a rubbish hen Mum. Not at all! The stinky yellow poo is absolutely normal for new hens, and it's going to take a few days to get used to you and to their new surroundings. Also, they become much tamer once they start laying - at least, the hybrids do. None of my bantams like being touched or handled (Nutmeg still won't come within a couple of feet of me, after more than a month), though Angelica and Pepper will happily peck my hands in the hope that I'm hiding treats in there! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarah B Posted February 29, 2008 Author Share Posted February 29, 2008 I was so upset at work today knowing one was not well and the stench of that runny yellow poo!!!!!! And then the fact they were in a the run today with the terrible weather and I wasn't there for them - I feel awful about it all. I just want them to be happy and healthy! and know they have a caring Mum. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarah B Posted February 29, 2008 Author Share Posted February 29, 2008 Another thing is that because my hubby and I both work till 6 by which time the girls are in bed at the moment, they will only see the garden for a few hours at the weekend. Is this fair on them? I think I should have thought about all this for their welfare prior to ordering them. I think they will be unhappy. I don't want to send them back, they are so lovely but I want them to be happy too. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...