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Frog eating chicken!

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Yes you read that correctly, whilst I was cleaning them out today they all got very noisy and I thought it was the usual - one had a worm and the others were trying to get a share - no - today she had picked up a baby frog by the leg and trying to eat it to herself!


Why can they not stick to slugs & snails and leave the frogs alone!



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We have the same problem. The frogs are mating and spawning in the pond at the moment and every time they cross the garden, the chickens think they're fair game! It's bad enough when they kill them, but we keep having to deal with the poor little maimed ones. Horrid! :shock::shock::shock:

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Just like Taj said in his thread, my girls were being very noisy (just as I was showing a friend how well behaved they were) and Pearl had a frog hanging from her beak! :oops:

For years the only wild life we ever had in the garden were the frogs. We even built the pond to accommodate them! I have put the grill back on as we now have frogspawn in it. If the girls are going to chase them they need the best start I can give them!

I agree with you Taj, why can't they stick to the more unsavoury insects in the garden!

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Mine have eaten a frog :vom: One had it's head in her beak whilst the others ran around trying to grab the dangling legs, they nearly snapped the poor thing in half before it was eaten :shock: I tried to grab it, but the girls were too excited!


Poor things can't half scream too (the frogs, not the chickens :lol: )


I don't even try to retrieve 'prizes' off them now, I just let them get on with it.

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My chooks love eating frogs. They had a medium size frog last summer and were chasing each other round the garden to eat it. It ended with the chooks ripping it apart and having a bit each.......yuk.....


When I told my friend what had gone into making her lovely fresh free range eggs I'd just given her, she almost went as green as the poor frog....

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