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Anyone else got cats which chase chickens. 6p.m. as it was getting dark - Frodo decided to rush the chicken run - We have decided one of the chickens is younger than the other two as looks smaller and not laying yet - it spooked jumped on the eglu and flew out of the coop! - just what the cat wanted!!! Got her in no bother but needed 2 of us - I hope he doesnt fancy chicken for his tea every night!

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Alfie can be a little monkey lying in wait for the girls when they are free ranging BUT she has never got close enough to grabbing hold of one - I think the girls have got eyes in the back of their heads :lol:. I always keep an eye on them all and have spent many a time laughing myself silly at them.


On one occasion Alfie was crouched down in the flower bed just waiting for an opportune moment to leap out. She took her chance when one of the girls was abut 8ft away from her - BIG MISTAKE!! Doris spotted her when she was about 3ft away and running at full pelt, so she plumped herself up and stretched out her wings. Alfie spun around on the spot and took off in the other direction - very very funny :lol:


I don't think you should have too much to worry about. In my experience with 6 cats and 3 chickens the cats are far more likely to come off worse!


Good Luck :lol:

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Ditto, my cat is a keen hunter and will pick a fight with any other cat he comes across, but he has only tried taking on a chicken once.


I would let Frodo keep mixing with the chickens, and he will soon learn his lesson. As it was bedtime maybe they were a bit sleepy, and they can't see so well in the dusk - otherwise I reckon they would have seen him off.

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Scamp sits on the Eglu roof, bird watching most days and the chooks ignore her. Ziggy although smaller is more of a worry she does like to stalk them if she gets the chance. We did have a time when the cats were on a narrow path with 2 chooks at each end and I know who looked the most worried :lol:

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Well Frodo had a field day to-day and actually bounced on top of one of the chooks - she went of screaming and he got roared at by me but I would not trust him with them yet. ( I think he is just trying to play!)


They were free ranging and got round the side of the house - I ran round the front to push them back - did the usual- slipped and fell and 2 logs (large) from the stick pile fell on top of me - me with a sore knee before this and now............... I them put them back in their big run for the day. I came in and put the kettle on.

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