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right i want 2 new hens tell me about yours

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I've got a Black Rock, Cheryl, who is top dog. She's very confident and pretty fearless and is quite nosy too. She does like to know what you're doing when you're in the garden.


No eggs, as yet. But we've only had them just over a week.

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I thought, and I could VERY well be wrong, that a Black Rock was also known as a pepperpot amongst other things. We've got two and they are good layers one of them fairly regularly lays double yolkers - they're whoppers, altho not that easy to catch. Our Calder Ranger / Gingernut is easy to catch and a good layer.


Mrs Bertie

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Black Rocks are egg laying machines, nosey, noisey and really good fun.


I've also got a Cream legbar she's only young so no blue eggs yet, but she has the funniest haircut and is soft and friendly but bottom of the pecking order even the SLW Banty tells her off :!:

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these are the 2 im looking at at min or a maran lol trouble is i got 6 already and hubby saying no more lol but i want to more this is to addictive :lol:


my hubby also says no.....take no notice!! :lol::lol: he'll soon come round - or get them anyway and he wont have an option!

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Ditto what Steve said about Blackrocks.


What about a Spekledy? Ours is a gorgeous, friendly bundle of feathers who lays most days and makes me smile.


We also have 2 Bluebelles who are very pretty - one very friendly, one slightly more aloof. Both good egg layes too but we do get a few softies.

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I would say Bluebelles. Really attractive hybrid good sized eggs, and both that I have had have been very friendly and easy to catch.


For the other one I would say a white star or jasmine, just for an interesting egg colour into the box. My white star is my fav chicken in terms of temprement although I know this isnt common. You can wing clip either but I never bothered and only once had one over cook the fence and land in next doors garden! And again a white star would give you some nice variation in chicken apperance for your flock.

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