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Just wanted to tell you it's 1 year today that I saw Jane Howarth on the televison and saw a battery hen being kept as a pet. So it's exactly one year today that I knew I'd have chickens and knew I'd be helping the charity.


The last 12 months have changed my life and thanks everyone for being on the forum and making this year just fantastic. many things have happened to me over the years but this has left an impact that has changed our lives for the better! 8):D:D


Roll on the coming years!!


:wink: BBx

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Thnaks girls I am going to make a Tuna Nicoise Salad tonight to celebrate and use some lovely eggs, off for an eye test (and the bloomin' puff of air test now I'm 40) and find out if there are any CL's I can wear that don't make me look like dracula and then pop into Waitrose for supplies! :wink::D


Need to get some chicken napkins too, seen some in the mothership!



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:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: , sorry if I'm a bit dull on the forum once I get the newsletter piece to Jane I will have more time. I am giving golden egg awards!


If you want the newsletter when it comes out let me know or see it at wwwthehenshouse.co.uk in the next 2-3 weeks :wink:



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Cheers to the forum and the lovely friends we've all made.


No one else wants to listen about chickens do they? I now find many conversations rather dull, not being an anorak, I love fun and other things but do you know what I mean. Found it odd the other week when a visitor who hadn't seen chckens or an eglu in a garden didn't even go to the window to see them, that's bloomin rude. If little johnny or sally has a new anything or a nice book, toy or someone has a gadget I always express an interest, if you don't see the wonder of a hen then you just aint my type!


BBx :wink:

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Too right Buffster, you tell 'em!


Do you think the boys might load the BHWT newsletter onto the forum/Omlet site? That way we can all have a link to it.


Hopefully something is going to come of that Clare and kateA. :wink:8) I am hoping to write something for the next Omlet newsletter and that is my new priority but I think it would be great to have the BHWT newsletter link somehow attached to the Omlet one, is that possible? It would bloomin' boost the circulation...Where's the lovely Grd to help push this through! :wink::D



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You called? :D I recommend contacting the lovely Barbara to see if a link can be added to the Omlet newsletter. Alternatively we could have a BHWT sticky in the Chickens forum and have the newsletter posted there. The possibilities are endless... :wink:

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