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As the vet wasn't really sure, I thought I'd ask all you experts out there.......

Biscuit is now on antibiotics, having been stitched up after being rescued from the jaws of a fox. She is doing really well and fortunately, just had a 50p piece size tear on her back. We are giving her the antibiotics, disguised in grapes.

Anyway, the question is, how long should I leave it before eating her eggs when the antibiotics are finished? (She even laid an egg at the vet's!).

Also, is it safe to feed the cooked eggs back to her when she is on antibiotics, otherwise it seems such a waste to throw them away?


Another question. Do you think the other chickens might bully her as she now has a bald patch on her back and has been away from them for nearly 24 hours? I don't want them to undo te vet's handiwork.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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Which antibiotic is it?


If it is Tylan the withdrawal periods is a week I believe.


I can't see why you shouldn't feed her the eggs, although it might mean you need to increase the withdrawal period, as effectively she will be getting a second dose (much reduced) via the eggs. As you say, it seems a shame to waste them.


Can you cover the wound in some way, or spray ot with "Purple Spray" (Gentian Violet) to tone down the redness and make it less peckworthy for the other hens? You can get it from equestrian shops.


Good luck. :lol:

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