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For those of you who worry if it's too cold for your chooks.

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A man in China was shocked after he took a chicken out of the freezer and found that it was still alive. Gan Shugen put the hen in the freezer wrapped in a plastic bag, assuming it was dead. But two days later he was amazed by what he saw. He said: "I heard weak sounds, and when I opened the bag, a red head popped out. It was still warm, and when I removed the tape, she could stand."


Don't worry that's my last "interesting facts" about chickens today!!

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Tough cookies chooks :D


To think we felt guilty because we went out last night and forgot to shut the Eglu door until we got back at 11.30pm by which time it was freezing point.


It must be like the cold treatment that has been done on some people to aid recovery from serious injury and the way that some people usually small children have survived aparent drowning because the water was so cold that it slowed their metabolism down to basic survival levels :shock:


I don't think that I will be putting any poorly chooks in the freezer though :lol:

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Goodness me!


ANd there was me worrying retrospectively after I discovered the temp went down to minus 8 in Oxfordshire (not that far from here).


Still chickens ok- but just one thing- they seemed to be ravenous this morning really going for the grub- do chickens eat more when its cold???(help raise their body temp or something??) :?

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