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Red Worm in drinking water???

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Hi, this-morning I went out to see my chooks and saw that their water needed changing. I took the glug out of the run and saw that there was a little red worm swimming around in the water. I was wondering what this is & where it came from. Obviously cleaned it out & changed water but a bit concerned :!:




(green eglu)

Millie- PP

Ruby- GNR

Poppy- GNR

Arrived 25/02/08 1st !egg! 5/03/08

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It was about a cm long & bright red. I'm not sure what a blood worm or compost worm look like, I will have to look them up & see what it resembles. Just wondered how it would have got in the glug & whether it was something to be worried about. I'm more concerned it was some sort of parasite that came off one of the chooks!

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Bloodworms live in water. They are the larva of the midge family and are usually found in water buts or water that has been sitting around for a while. It would only have got into your water feeder by a midge laying eggs into it first, or if your using water collected from a water butt. I'm sure they wouldn't do your chooks any harm if they did eat or drink them.

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Thanks for that. I have looked blood worm up on the internet & it is looking like that is what it was. My son tells me he filled the glug up from the outside tap using the wateringcan, so this must be where it came from! Worries over!

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Nothing to do with worms, but not worth a new post ....


I went in the garden yesterday and did a double take - I leave a small bucket of water & a brush to clean up squitty poos near the run. Floating in the water was a poor wee drowned mouse :( .


I think they would have delighted to see that in their glug! :lol: Yum yum!

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