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adapted run gone slightly bigger

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wel i decided my chooks needed more room :lol: so i bought anew run and hubby adapted it with the use of the exsisting run here are the pics, tell me what u think









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looks much better, especially being on the concrete slabs, that way nothing can dig underneath. Do you have netting across some of the panels? If so I'd change it to wire mesh as it wouldn't take much for something to rip through the netting. Your chickens might even bite their way out over time. Ours have pecked holes in netting before now.


will they be able to free range sometimes?

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It's looking good Debbie! Loads of room for them! It is hard to tell from the picture what kind of mesh is on that left hand panel. Just be aware that foxes can bite through normal chicken wire, you need weld mesh ideally. The rest of the mesh looks absolutely fine! 8)

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