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Waiting for the elusive first egg

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Hello all


We have had our chickens for 4 weeks now and finding them really easy too look after and clean up after. My daughter is becoming an expert chicken wrangler and doesn't even cry any more if they peck her.


But we are still waiting for that first egg. I am getting fed up of people asking me if they have layed yet as i am so impatient myself. I am going away for the week soon and it will be sods law that they start to lay whilst we are away!


How long after getting chickens did people receive thier first egg?



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We are in exactly the same position. We have had ours for 3/4 weeks and no eggs and are going away at Easter for a week so i would put money on one of them laying in that week. I keep looking at their combs but ours don't seem to be very big yet or very red. I guess its just a waiting game.



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Hullo :-)


Our Omlet girlies arrived on the 1st August and their first egg came on 1st October !


It was 2 Loooooooong months checking everyday for that first !egg!


My hubby found their first egg and brought it into the house - at first I wasn't sure if he was winding me up with one from the kitchen


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