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My first hatch... *pics now added*

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Yup, all set up.


We now have one little chap on the ground & two more pipping!


Amazing to watch... stayed up half the night just to see my first hatch & was def worth it - lol


Considering its the first time Ive incubatored Im quite chuffed! Day 21 and so far 3 out of 4! :D

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:lol: I have 3 chicks!


Pic: http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2296527350100604006dgHXsc?vhost=good-times


The yellow on the right Ive named Delilah... but we are pretty sure the other two are boys so I cant name them... (wing feathers gave us some clue... according to an old man in the farm next door to ours)...


Typical... we went out to the barn on Saturday & one of the hens has finally decided to be broody & is now sitting on at least 12 eggs... the kids said she's been there since Friday so fingers crossed we'll have more babies in a couple of weeks! (all that effort to incubate seems so silly now)

But I do have 3 adorable little folk to occupy my tea breaks!

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Well they could be from anyone of my lads... the only thing I can be sure of is which of the girls the egg came from... lol


The little black one came from my buff's egg... I kept her with my buff lad for a few weeks alone but considering the colour of the chick Im suspecting one of the others got to her (the RIR by the looks of it).

The yellow chicks are from Doodle, white Plymouth Rock with Amy white PR but crested & Marge PR x maran...


A right mix! lol They will be loved & cared for until the end of their days (be it old age or roasting tin) and free range/organic so as long as they are healthy I dont mind what they look like!

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