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warming porridge

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Given they had all chosen to be out in the rain and looked very wet today I gave them a nice bowl of warm porridge - made with water, but with added poultry spice (nothing like a nice bit of ginger on a cold day!) and mixed grain.


It went down a treat with all the girls - highly recommended (for chicken only of course).



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Umm just wanted to ask a question..i brought my Poultry Spice today from a not very nice pet food suppliers ( both Suppliers had grumpy sales assistants, don't you just love 'em!!) anyway back to my question, how much poultry spice would you put in that porridge. I have just 2 hens.

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Sorry for jumping in here, We adopted our hens on Saturday ex-bats... so this is totally new for us! We can give them Porridge? just regular porridge that I give my husband but mix with water instead right?


Another silly question... when is best to feed them this? I have a constant bowl of food out for them but wonder if they need something inside the cube as well?

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I just use normal scottish porridge oats from the supermarket.


Made with hot water then allowed to cool down before serving.


Mine get porridge as a treat only...usually on cold days so maybe about once/twice a month. I give it to them in a plastic container and they have it out on the lawn when they are free ranging. :) I dont give any treats until after lunch cos then you know they will eat their pellets in the morning.

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My porridge normally consists of 1 part oats, 2 parts pellets or mash, whatever medication or supplements I want to give them that day, mixed up with warm water. I leave it to stand for 5 mins or so, to let the oats soften a bit.


If there's any carrot peelings or leftover fruit or veg from the night before they get whizzed up with the hand blender and mixed in too, but only if it's stuff they won't eat whole.

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Hi, chicken or Poultry spice is a mineral supplement feed stuff that you add to their wet or dry layers mash.It's one teaspoon for every 10 hens. It states on the tin that the spice improves all round condition and performance, and helps poultry quickly recover from moulting. It contains calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, ash, protein and fibre as well as oil. It has a strong smell because it contains ginger, turmeric, fenugreek and aniseed. It's particulary good for ex bats to give them a good start. Hope this info is helpful!!

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. If they had little hands Im sure they would have picked up the bowl and licked it! :drool:


Ah, what a lovely thought!


Mine have a bowl of porridge (1/3 oats, 2/3 pellet mixture) every morning. I allow a dessertspoon of porridge per hen, but the big ones probably eat more of it than the bantams.

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Mine have a bowl of porridge (1/3 oats, 2/3 pellet mixture) every morning. I allow a dessertspoon of porridge per hen, but the big ones probably eat more of it than the bantams.


Between hail storms this afternoon, I gave the hens their first bowl of porridge as a treat (about a spoonful each, mixed with poultry spice and a few pellets). They are funny - so different in their reactions - one started eating very fast, standing at the dish; the other picked up a bit and took it to the other side of the run to eat but when she'd done that three times she seemed to decide that not only was this absolutely delicious but if she didn't hurry up there would be any left for her. So she ran back to the dish and tried to eat and elbow the other away from the porridge at the same time.

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I made pellet porridge this morning, jusy pellets and a bit of poultry spice mixed with hot water. Smelt vile. I put it into three separate coop cups and hung them up in the run. They were ignored completely.


I went out a bit later to find the bowls completely empty.


I've just been out with a second batch (so they have something warming before bed) and they all went mad for it.


Now they are busy wiping their beaks on the run floor!

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