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Anyone else get tiny eggs?!

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Am I alone in having a wierd chicken?

My poor neurotic (fullsize) Welsummer since the moult (end of last year) now only lays small spherical eggs. They are fully formed with tiny yolk in the same proportion as a big egg, but it is quite silly if rather cute. :roll:

She started laying like this when we got her, then grew onto bigger eggs. Since the moult we've had 1 full-size egg from her at random and the rest are like cherry tomatoes. :eh:

On the plus side the tiny eggs are darker brown like a Welsummer's eggs should be, compared with the larger counterparts she has laid. :roll:


At least she's very pretty and cute :lol:

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I've read about it Choccy.....they usually get back to normal from what I remember.


You can pretend that they are quails eggs and make Delia's intriguing fish and egg pie with Aunt Bessies Mash! :lol:


She won't pass as a quail, OH has remarked how much wider she is getting recently. :roll: It has been weeks though *impatient* and we're collecting loads of these eggs. I occasionally put a few in a cake.

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I do have a theory she's found a loophole in the chicken/owner system as I can't argue she is not laying eggs, but it takes less energy and they are easier to push out.


as she would have an anxiety disorder if human, maybe constantly spooking at things (e.g. tiny garden birds) makes the eggs smaller.


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We had one of these when Marj got back into laying after her winter break - about the size of a cherry tomato, no yolk except for a tiny smear in the centre. Marj is also a daft, flighty thing - she runs away whe she sees me coming with the treats box. :roll:


She sorted it out for herself - perhaps she's just too daft to realise she could've been on to a good idea there :? !


Tell Katy to keep it to herself or they'll all be laying to rule!

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Yesterday I made a 7 egg cake :shock: to use up 6 of Megan's little eggs. :wink: *

She's a bit hit and miss, but have had some bigger eggs. Yesterday's involved manically pacing up and down the run.

The 6 little ones were so cute, and had a TINY little yolk. One was 12g. :)

I broke one Abbie egg and it looked wrong it was so huge (normal sized :roll: )


* was equivalent of a 3 egg cake

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