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It's Hatching!

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Right We've Got One of them R-com 3 Incubators, Beginners It Only holds 3 eggs. They Aren't Due for another 3 days But Ones Got a Crack In, And another One We Can Hear Chirping. Its My First Time Hatching Eggs Out The Incubator :D But The One with The Lil Crack In, We heard tapping But Its Not exactly Made any Progress Within the past 9 Hours...

The Egg Keeps Shaking From Side to Side Though. Can You Give Me Any Tips? Thankyou xx

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We have an RCom 20 & a brinsea. The RCom is easier - no need to think about much until hatching time.

Yes, leave the eggs well alone - if the chicks can't get out themselves, then they are weak & may probably die at day old. The hatching process is quite lengthy. Our eggs were due on the Tuesday & 3 had hatched by the Sunday...we gave the others until the Friday, then actually did open them, as no cracks had appeared & no cheeping. Four were dead in shell, one of which was not fully developed. So please just leave the eggs & if healthy, they will hatch.

Good luck!



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Not neccessarily Bronze, as the hygrometer is new & we have a chart for humidty etc. My sister has had 100% sucess in the past from the Brinsea incubator. We think it could be due to the fact that the eggs had to go through Royal Mail postal service, where as normally we collect fertile eggs from a friend of ours. Mind you the next lot are off ebay, so that will determine what the problem may be.

Next week both incubators will be full - one holds 20 hens eggs, the other holds I think 24. The Rcom 20 is the easiest & bleeps when it needs more water. So humidity is monitored.

My sister & her hubby are building up their stocks & will then breed from them - for some reason her hens are reluctant to go broody. :roll:

She is getting a pair of buff orpingtons next week though & I've heard they make good mothers, so fingers crossed.



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:) Thanks For your Tips! The First Egg With The Crack In Hatched Yesterday Morning, And The One With Chirping In Hatched This Morning,

But The Second One Seems To Be Panickin. It'll Go mad Chirping And Seems Like Her BackEnd's Because She Keeps Just Rolling On Her Back.

She Did Have Some Trouble Getting Out The Egg Aswell.

Emily (The First Chick, Named By My Niece :P ) Seems To Hatch Kinda Bum First, and seemed to Just Keep Queit And Clamber Over The Other Eggs, But The Second One Had Its Foot Stuck Over Its Beak And Couldn't Exactly Shuffle Or Tap out the egg, How It Got Out I Don't Know But I'm Still Abit Worried About This Chick...

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Out of interest when people have eggs that don't hatch do they crack them open to see why?

You can tell a lot by just examining the contents even if theyre dead in shell you can tell what caused it. Worth doing because you can tell what went wrong.

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I Got My Incubator Off The Internet, From The Incubator Shop :P

Its Fine We've 3 Lil Easter Chicks All Healthy Now One Hatched THursday, One Friday, Then Last One Saturday. We''ve Got Emily, Esther And Emma.

They Are Cream Legbar Chicks And They All Seem To Look Like Females, So Considering Its My first time Incubating Eggs, And I'm Only 14 I Think I've Done Okayish :P

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out of interest what do you all do about getting your baby chicks vaccinated? or dont you? or if i were to get chicks how old would they need to be to be off heat and have finished their vaccinations? does anyone happen to know?


well done on the egg hatching, was sitting on the edge of my seat reading this thread

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AFAIK, chick crumbs usually contain a coccidiostat (to prevent coccidiosis), but vaccines for other diseases are usually only available in huge quantities, so most hobby breeders don't bother. It has to be said that infectious diseases are rare amongst pet chickens, especially for those of us who don't show fancy fowl or otherwise come into contact with other poultry - they are much more of a problem for commercial breeders,where an illness can spread quickly through a large flock.


I think chicks come off heat at about 6-8 weeks, but I'm not sure, not being into the whole breeding thing...

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