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Bizarre.......but true?

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Hi All,


I have a rather strange question but apologies if this has been discussed before.


I'm new to all of this, just ordered my cube, delivery in 3 weeks time. I met a new colleague today who to my great delight I discovered keeps chickens so naturally she started offering me some very useful tips :D .


However, she mentioned that I will need a large tub of vaseline and some latex gloves :eh: . She then proceeded to tell me it's not unusual for the chickens to become 'EGG BOUND' :?


Needless to say she proceeded in great detail to explain what the 'vaseline and gloves' were required for...I shall spare you the details but I'm sure most of you will be able to put 2&2 together :anxious:


So my question is 1) Is this true? and 2) Can the chickens not be given something to prevent this happening as it sounds awful for the poor chooks and 3) the 'other' method involves Steam :eh: (?)


Yours truly perplexed


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Hi Christine,


I'm new to this as well. Still haven't decided on what chickens to get and my cube is coming in 3 weeks as well :D


Others on the forum will be able to give you much more practical experience on this but from what I have read this is something that does happen, but a rare thing (please correct me someone if I am wrong). Steam method is one way of trying to solve it (not burning the chicken though) and the vaseline method another. Don't let your friend put you off: with everything there are lots of problems that can occur if you look at all the possibilities. Doesn't mean that they are going to happen. I'm not sure if there is something to minimise the likelihood of it happening - probably there is something and others will know :?



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They do become eggbound very occasionally.


We are generally advised against tinkering with the insides of the hen. Unless you know what you are doing you could break the egg whilst it is still inside and cause even worse problems.


If they have enough calcium in their diet it is unlikely though, as good hard shells are formed, and the muscular contractions will be strong enough to push the egg along the laying tackle easily.



Don't worry about it yet. :lol:

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I've never heard of the vaseline & glove method but I think you'll find it's not a good idea. Also it may be illegal (?) as it's classed as 'invasive' and only a vet can carry out this type of thing. Correct me if I'm wrong.


I love my Beauties too much to let them suffer the pain & humiliation of an 'Airport Search'.

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:pray: Please God if i am a very good girlie & clean my chooks our properly & very regularly, if i give them treats only once a day & never moan about their poops ever ever again . Please God if i am more than kind to all i meet, even the very smelly incoherent person who was very drunk & kept leaning on me & talking non stop at the airport, or .. if i promise never to ever eat too much of my daughters chocolate eggs ever again .. or even if i promise never to put a raw egg in the bottom of our guests coffee as a surprise ever ever again . . please oooh please God may i never EVER experience an egg bound chicken!!!!!! :shock:






PP ETHEL (Bluebelle) AGNUS

(Bluebelle) CORDELIA (white chicken) BODECIA

(cube green)

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:pray: Please God if i am a very good girlie & clean my chooks our properly & very regularly, if i give them treats only once a day & never moan about their poops ever ever again . Please God if i am more than kind to all i meet, even the very smelly incoherent person who was very drunk & kept leaning on me & talking non stop at the airport, or .. if i promise never to ever eat too much of my daughters chocolate eggs ever again .. or even if i promise never to put a raw egg in the bottom of our guests coffee as a surprise ever ever again . . please oooh please God may i never EVER experience an egg bound chicken!!!!!! :shock:






Love the prayer - says she who has been scoffing mini Green & Black's eggs in the kitchen whilst washing up. Do I get the impression this topic has touched a bit of a nerve :wink:


I just refuse to think about it until it happens :wink:


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I'm nearing my 1st chook anniversary and have never had an egg bound chook.


Peppers has had an occassional problem with softshelled eggs (i.e. membrane only) and on a couple of occassions I have panicked as she has been very sluggish. However, I now know that this usually means she is producing another soft shell (yes 2 in a day) and once that's out of the way, she is happy as Larry. Soft shells are still edible by the way, just need to cut the membrane carefully with sissors.


As others have said, good layers pellets or mash, a bowl of grit/oyster shell, a good wander around the garden if you can will ensure a good mixed diet and happy healthy chooks.


Have lots of fun with your new charges - you will soon wonder how you ever lived with out them.



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Honest, you won't know the difference, its just not got a proper shell and its still in a perfect wrapper. It can be a little difficult carrying them though as they are fragile but if I'm in any doubt, the dog gets those or any cracked eggs (accidents do happen - especially when all want to use the next box at the same time).


I just cherish their lovely eggs, perfectly formed or a little odd.



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Sometimes the egg moves through their system too quickly and doesn't spend enough time in the shell gland, so only a thin layer of calcium carbonate - or none at all - is laid down. Often happens to pullets when they start to lay - or to any hens at this time of year, when the lengthening days give their hormones a boost :)

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