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Ivy / prepping the Eglu area

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Hi all


It's only 2 and a half weeks (not that I'm counting :D ), until my eglu and girls arrive, I hope you can help with a couple of questions (well 3 actually!):


Ivy - I know this is supposed to be poisonous to chickens, I have LOADS of it in my garden. If I have to get rid I will need to start digging it up this weekend, what do you think, has anyone had any poorly chickens as a result of them eating it?


Eglu run area - this will be on block paving until we get our patio re-slabbed, with Hemcore on top. Should I do anything about disinfecting the area before the run goes down, (for example with that Stalosan stuff?).


Chook supplies - can anyone recommend a tried and trusted online chicken supply store please? There's nothing much in the shops near us apart from the odd bag of feed, or is the Omlet shop as good as any?


Thank you - I thought I would use this long weekend to get everything sorted so would appreciate your help...... :lol::lol::lol:

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I've got Ivy growing here and there and they haven't touched it so far as I can tell. Yet. :roll:


I personally wouldn't bother disinfecting the paving as it is your first lot of chickens, so there shouldn't be anything much lurking there.


If you feel you would prefer to though...Stalosan would do the trick and it smells quite nice too. :lol:

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I can (hopefully) answer a few bits. We have a large garden with loads of ivy. I have removed any bits near to the chicken house but other than that left it be (as it would be almost impossible to remove all) My chickens have been fine.

The stalosan I add to hemcore or any other base that you are useing I.e woodchips/bark.

You could brush the area first with a good dousing of it and then dampen it with water(to activate it) Although with all this rain/snow you probably won't need to.

Have fun and a great time with your chooks ! :P

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Oooh I get my cube (but not chickens :( ) on the 9th as well. Definately counting down the days :D


Mine is on paving as well (well it will be hopefully by tomorrow when the slabs go down!) - hadn't thought of disinfecting first. Sure as already said by Egluntine, it won't need disinfecting if no chickens there before.


We have Ivy around as well. Don't think there will be any near the run, but hadn't thought about it. I heard that chickens are quite sensible in that they leave things that are poisonous to them well alone - not sure how true that is though :?



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Thanks all for the advice, I must admit I am delighted that I won't have to dig it up, I was planning to do it today and it's snowing here at the moment!! Ivy is so pesky and deep rooted, you could never get rid of it all it always manages to come back! I will keep an eye on them when they free range and shoo them off if they start to tuck in to a patch.


I think they will like my garden, it's not large but it has loads of nooks and crannies and different spots for them to scratch around in; sleeper beds, big shrubs with soily/leafy bits underneath, and a good patch of lawn for them to ruin! :(


I'm looking forward to seeing their little fluffy bottoms disappearing down the garden path as they go off to explore :D


Whilst i'm not that garden-proud though, I have visions of them sinking their beaks into the stems of my Clematis and severing them so that the whole plant dies above!! So will be contructing some sort of chicken wire thingy to go round the base of each of my Clems in the hope that this will save their lives! (Clems, not the chooks!) :?

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