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God Save The Queen v Land of Hope and Glory?

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When you say 'loathed the church', is that the establishment or the faith?


I was wondering about 'Little Lamb', also by Blake and also very famous.

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Lets be fair here, Jesus is as likely to have walked in England as anywhere else in the world!

(I am an agnostic with Christain/Pagan leanings who is proud to be English, albeit with Scottish, Irish and Welsh grandparents).


As for anthems:


I Vow to the my Country - should be used by the British & Irish Lions


God Save the Queen - No problem if we sing all the verses, don't let us wimp out and only sing the first verse. Should only really be used, IMHO, when a senior member of the Royal Family is present or the Union Flag is being flown.


Jerusalem is fine as an English anthem if you don't mind the fact that you might end up with a group hug afterwards.


If you want a song from the punk era, bin the Pistols drivel and go for Tenpole Tudors "Swords of a Thousand Men"


We had to meet the enemy a mile away

Thunder in the air and the sky turned grey

Assembling the knights and their swords were sharp

There was hope in our English hearts

Hear our roar, hear our sound

We're gonna fight until we have won this town

Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah, Yea

Over the hills came the swords of a thousand men


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When you say 'loathed the church', is that the establishment or the faith?


I was wondering about 'Little Lamb', also by Blake and also very famous.


that's the establishment (he'd have turned n his grave to see the WI and the Tory party using it as theme tune!)


he was a committed christian


"Little Lamb" is fabulous - I sing the tenor line in that - gorgeous...



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Lets be fair here, Jesus is as likely to have walked in England as anywhere else in the world!


I think it's less likely that he walked the polar ice cap... or Bondi Beach :wink:



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Lets get realistic here!


We are talking about a song that inflames our national pride, not whether its fact! I'm sure that all the words of 'the old land of my fathers' or 'A soldiers song' are not to be taken so literally.


(Scotland doesnt have a national anthem either, according to the internet!) :lol:


Lets just worry about whether it stirs us, and bucks the lads / lasses up before 'battle', which incidentally is what an anthem is really about.

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Ooooh! A Tenor - such a rarity. Are you talking Taverner here?


indeed - Taverner...


actually I'm not a proper tenor - I'm a converted Baritone - because Tenors are in such short supply..


but I've been converted so long now that it comes more naturally. I still like a good fruity bass line to blow away the cobwebs every now and again... 8)



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Revnev, is your 7" God Save the Queen still in the original picture sleeve?!


sadly not..


it's the 33" best-of the sex pistols album..


(worth next to nothing!)



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Symbolism of Blake...


it is very, very, very complicated - (and beyond me!) - but then he was a mystic - and it is the job of mystics not to be fully understood!


The first bit of Jerusalem came from the beginning of "Milton", I think (and did those feet) - that's as much as I can remember!


as far as I know Blake never did an engraving of a chicken...



It's beyond me to :!:

Jerusalem the poem by Blake, is an excerpt from the preface to one of his huge prophetic books called Milton.

Blake thinks England is infected with a disease of the soul and the mountains run with blood because of the Napoleonic wars and that greed and war have obscured the true message of Christ. He thinks that religion just helps the monarchy and clergy exploit the lower classes. I believe that the Dark Satanic Mills which Blake refers to are the mills that produce iron and steel, used to make the weapons of war.

Jerusalem symbolises humanity freed from British imperialism, commerce, and war. Which is referred to by the “builded here in England’s green and pleasant land (which could also be symbolic of Eden)”. As for the feet, although Blake thought they were the real flesh and blood ones, I prefer to see them as more mystic and metaphorical.


I'm sure there MUST be a chicken somewhere on one of those many many engraved plates.

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Symbolism of Blake...


it is very, very, very complicated - (and beyond me!) - but then he was a mystic - and it is the job of mystics not to be fully understood!


The first bit of Jerusalem came from the beginning of "Milton", I think (and did those feet) - that's as much as I can remember!


as far as I know Blake never did an engraving of a chicken...



It's beyond me to :!:

Jerusalem the poem by Blake, is an excerpt from the preface to one of his huge prophetic books called Milton.

Blake thinks England is infected with a disease of the soul and the mountains run with blood because of the Napoleonic wars and that greed and war have obscured the true message of Christ. He thinks that religion just helps the monarchy and clergy exploit the lower classes. I believe that the Dark Satanic Mills which Blake refers to are the mills that produce iron and steel, used to make the weapons of war.

Jerusalem symbolises humanity freed from British imperialism, commerce, and war. Which is referred to by the “builded here in England’s green and pleasant land (which could also be symbolic of Eden)”. As for the feet, although Blake thought they were the real flesh and blood ones, I prefer to see them as more mystic and metaphorical.


I'm sure there MUST be a chicken somewhere on one of those many many engraved plates.


That was me. Forgot to log in

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I still like a good fruity bass line to blow away the cobwebs every now and again... 8)




I don't suppose you're busy on Easter Sunday? :wink::wink:

We're doing 'Worthy is the Lamb' and could do with another bass. It's quite a fruity bass-line and would blow all the cobwebs away! :):)

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(Scotland doesnt have a national anthem either, according to the internet!) :lol:


We don't! :D:D:D There has been much discussion after our success in the pool at the Commonwealth games, as 'Scotland the Brave' was played, whereas, before the rugby, football, icehockey, tiddlywinks etc, they play 'Flower of Scotland'.


If you listen to the Scottish news, there is about 5 songs in the frame for our national anthem.

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I liked "Scotland The Brave" at the Commonwealth Games. A happy and cheerful tune which the audience clapped along with :D


Natalie thought it was great and did a little highland dance everytime she heard it :D I knew she would enjoy highland dancing lessons at school :D:wink:


What are the five choices Shona?

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Flower of Scotland

Scotland the Brave

Auld Lang Syne

Caledonia (remember from the old beer advert?)

and another Burns song whose name escapes me this morning - Scots Wha Hae or something - I'm ashamed to admit I don't know it, but DO know the old beer advert one.....

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Oh I wondered what that song was called in the Commonwealth. It really did make you want to get up and dance about in celebration didn't it!


Get your kilts and spats on girls!


We'll be having bells too! :)


And as for you Ginette...drinking on the job indeed....tut tut tut :wink:

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