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Unusually friendly chicken? (Columbine)

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We collected our four chickens from Thorne's on Saturday, but when Frank caught our Columbine he noticed she'd been pecked badly enough on her back to remove lots of feathers. He offered to catch another one but we were a bit torn. On one hand we didn't want a "problem" chicken, as we're not exactly experienced poultry owners; but on the other hand we felt bad putting her back to continue to get pecked.


Well we didn't have the heart to change her, so took her home, but almost immediately our fears were realised as our white bantam silkie took an immediate and vicious dislike to her. She flew into a rage any time it even looked as though the Columbine might be trying to eat or drink, and was administering hard pecks on the existing bald spot.

So by the end of the day she was just standing miserably on her own. I put the bantam to bed early, so at least the poor Columbine could get some food.


The next day was much the same, except the Columbine just kept running back into the Eglu for safety. However, she happily ate food from my hand, so I wasn't too worried. I did lock the white silkie in the Eglu for half an hour to force the Columbine to socialise with the others though, and it was then that I noticed she would come close to me and eat from my hand outside in the run. All of the other chickens keep their distance, which is what I'd expect.


The day afterwards (hopefully) saw the end to the squabbling, and the Columbine was *much* happier, showing normal unstressed chicken behaviour. So, I don't need to lock up the white silkie any more, and everything is peaceful.


Possibly as a result of all this though, the Columbine seems *very* friendly for a young chicken. It took my first chickens weeks before they'd let themselves be picked up, perch on my wrist or feed from my hand without fear (I mean without coaxing them to come close with a trail of corn!). But, she does all of this already (while the other three look on in jealous frustration as she gets the pick of the treats :twisted: )


Does the above seem unusually friendly to you?


So, I have to admit to already having a "favourite" in my new flock :oops:, and she has therefore been named first. You can see Luna below (she is the orange-ish one)




By the way, does anyone know what breed the speckled hen is in the pic above? Frank did tell me but I've forgotten already.



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Hi sheik


My two pekins from Thornes were friendly from the get-go and were soon eating from my hand, but I just assumed this was normal pekin tameness. However chickens are individuals - maybe you have a naturally tame Columbine? Maybe she has taken to you because she sees you as the cockerel controlling the flock and breaking up fights? Certainly nothing to worry about!

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Ah bless her. Was she in with a load of white stars? They always have problems with them. My 2 new skylines I got from there on Thursday aren't very well feathered at the base of their tails either, but there's no injury so I've just left them to it. Mine are still quite shy, I'm going to go out there now with some raisins after seeing your post!!


If the silkie is still being a bit horrid, put another bowl of food in if you haven't already so that the skyline can eat.


Your speckled one looks like a... er.... Speckledy to me! Are they some kind of Maran hybrid?

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@Eyren : I think you're right - different breeds might have general characteristics, but individual chickens definitely have their own personality. Lots of people on here say their Gingernut Rangers are friendly, but ours really didn't like being handled at all, and would never come and jump on us like the others.



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Wait till you start getting your trouser leg pulled because you've picked up one chicken and another one is jealous 'cos she wanted picked up first :roll:


If the speckledy bird is a hybrid then its a Speckledy, if it's a pure breed it's a Cuckoo Maran.

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My problem is that when I go out with treats to tame the new ones, I just end up getting mobbed by the old ones! Think I am going to have to lock them out of the run while I spend some bonding time with the new ones. That'll please OH, he built the run to keep them in, not lock them out! :roll:

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Ah bless her. Was she in with a load of white stars? They always have problems with them. My 2 new skylines I got from there on Thursday aren't very well feathered at the base of their tails either, but there's no injury so I've just left them to it. Mine are still quite shy, I'm going to go out there now with some raisins after seeing your post!!


If the silkie is still being a bit horrid, put another bowl of food in if you haven't already so that the skyline can eat.


Your speckled one looks like a... er.... Speckledy to me! Are they some kind of Maran hybrid?


Yes, Frank said it was the white that would have been pecking her, so quite possible White Stars.

We actually put three bowls of food in for the first few days,all in different parts of the run. It didn't matter, the whilte silkie would watch her like a hawk and charge if she tried to feed. I've removed one of the feeders now but think I'll leave two in there as there is room and it might help reduce future stress.

Why did you call my Columbine a skyline by the way - are they the same breed?


Our speckled chicken is a hybrid, but Frank didn't call it a speckledy...



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I've read recently that they tend to peck hens of a different colour/breed. Maybe the answer is to have them all the same....but how boring would that be.


You could spray her with something vile tasting such a Ukadex ( warning....very smelly) or another type of anti peck spray, or you could put anti peck rings or bumpa bits on the culprit.

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Hi ya,


We've got a Columbine and she's the friendlist, and I must admit my favourite so far as she is so so friendly and has let us pick her up and stroke her from day one. The other speckled hen you have there does look like our one which is a Speckledy.


I wouldn't worry about it, enjoy your lovely friendly hen!! :)


I hope the pecking settles down soon, sure it will, we had a bit of that but it settled down nicely now.

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I think they are just either easily bored or easily stressed (whatever current thinking is that causes feather pecking!) one of them starts pecking, they all start. Everyone who has one says they are lovely, so don't be put off - just don't put 30 of them together in a small space! :wink:

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