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Hatching eggs.....

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We have a policy of not re-homing or "dealing with" unwanted roosters on this forum, Slim.


You will be able get advice on the Practical Poultry Forum.


That is not what I am asking, I was asking what people have done if they have done the egg/chick thing.

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That isn't actually a bad idea, but you would have to keep them under a heat lamp for a few weeks. You can't just put them outside.

I'm lucky, as if I get any cockerels, my sister will have them on the farm - fingers crossed they are all hens if they hatch!


I think most people have rehomed their cockerels to childrens farm visitor places - or advertised on practical poultry / preloved. But it's a bit irresponsible hatching, knowing that you could end up with ALL cockerels & not having planned what you will do with them. I think you need to have a definite home for them before you go hatching any eggs.



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Bbbbbbrrr.... It's too cold to hatch at the moment, unless you're prepared to have them inside under a heat lamp. the best way is to wait until the warmer weather and use one of your hens if she goes broody, then she will raise the chicks herself. The hatch-rate can be better this way, and you have the joy of watching her bring them up; chicks seem to benefit from having a mummy.


I'm glad to see that you're thinking about the consequences - you will need extra housing for the broody and chicks for about 3 months, plus different feed. And it would be best to find homes for any males beforehand, or decide whether you will be eating them or not.


As Egluntine pointed out, we aren't able to help wwith re-homing on this forum; most of our members are backyard farmers and not able to keep cockerels.


Do let us know what you decide to do.

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I would like to do the whole egg to chicken thing however we can't keep a rooster so what do you do with male birds? if they hatch?


Slim, If you can't keep a cockerel then don't do it.


Last March my 5 pure breds were killed, I then decided to hatch my own Andalusians.

It was a fantastic experience from start to finish. Very involved i.e., weighing the eggs, candling, getting the temperature and humidity right etc. Watching them hatch, helping them drink, worrying about them for 7 weeks in my living room ( :shock: ), watching them grow literally overnight - all in all a wonderful experience.


But, even with rare pure breeds, there is no guarantee that there will be someone to take your unwanted and un-needed boys off your hands. And then you get attached to them...


All the very best with whatever you decide to do - I was lucky, I had no cockerels.

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