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Chickens and squirrels

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Hi, we are going to be buying an eglu and 2 or 3 chickens but we have a squirrel who lives in a tree at the bottom of our garden and treats the garden as his territory, by which I mean he is often to be seen chasing another squirrel off. He eats the bird seed and fat balls if he can get his hands on them and is very bold around the place. I am now wondering if he will try and get the eggs and if he will eat the chickens food. The eglu will be situated out of immediate sight of the main rooms but we intend to let the chickens have the run of the garden and leave the eglu and run open during the day. Any tips on mixing chickens and squirrels would be most welcome.

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We have a squirrel in our garden too. The chickens and squirrel on the odd occasion they come face to face, look at eachother for a few seconds and then go their separate ways. Our squirrel is nowhere near as territorial as yours sounds though.


We also haven't had any issues with the squirrel trying to steal the chicken's food, now the moorhen on the other hand...


Good luck and I'm sure someone more knowledgable will be along soon.

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We have a very cheeky squirrel in our garden, he clings to a branch with his feet and eats from the peanut feeder upsidedown :shock: He does investigate the empty porridge dish which I leave on the ground, but I have never seen him try and steal the pellets. We do have a robin who goes into the Eglu run and eats the pellets on the ground. The chickens ignore him:wink:



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My bantams (especially the wyandotte) occasionally bok-bok when they see the squirrel who raids the bird feeder - I think they think he's a fluffy-tailed rat!


Apparently squirrels will eat birds' eggs, but I don't think they would venture into an eglu - chickens will attack small rodents :)

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There are squirrels in our garden most days, & I have a squirrel feeder just a few metres away from my Eglu.

The first time a squirrel seen the Eglu it stood there & flashed its tail around for a while, but since then it just ignores the hens & they ignore it.


I can't imagine it venturing into the Eglu & I'm not sure if it would be tempted by the Layers Pellets or corn that I feed my hens on. I even put some corn on the bird table sometimes & the squirrel isn't interested in it at all. It much prefers the Cobnuts that I pop in its feeder.


Mind you, I can only comment on the Red variety, as up here in Cockermouth we don't have any of the nasty Greys (yet). If we see any Greys they are reported & hopefully disposed of.



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Actually found a squirrel IN the Cube today when I was collecting the eggs. He only ran out after I banged it loudly and then boy did he run and then out through the larger top holes in the walk in run. Thankfully my eggs were intact. The chickens looked particularly unperturbed. 

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