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Eggy Bread

Cat Food Alternative

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Hi guys,


I've been looking at some of the posts people have made about feeding their hens meat, tuna, cat food etc and just wondered if there was a high protein meat free alternative?


I know they eat bugs, worms (or anything that strays in to their path! :lol: ), I just don't like the idea of giving them meat.


What about sunflower seeds or similar?


Thanks x

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Sunflower seed are very fatty and cause them to have liver damage if you overdo it.


Also, too many can interfere with calcium metabolism.


A handful now and then as a treat is fine though.


Some people give unmedicated chick crumbs, which are marginally higher in protein than pellets.

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Sunflower seed are very fatty and cause them to have liver damage if you overdo it.


Also, too many can interfere with calcium metabolism.


A handful now and then as a treat is fine though.


What you learn on this forum!!!


I've been given a spoonful each day for the past week, but I suppose that's too much?


What about sesame seeds?


Pumpkin seeds?


I have been mixing these together for an afternoon treat for the past week or so.

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