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Full house

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Well I just went egg collecting and I have a full house of 9 eggs.




From left to right we have dots, gingers, berthas, cocos, bumbles, dippys, perdys, pluckys and buffys.


Now I just need to work out what to do with them all. In my addicton to chicken keeping I neglected to wrk out hat to do with all the eggs!!!!

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Dont really think we can sell them. our house isnt a through road so we dont get passing taffic, we give them to family, neighbours and co-workers. And at my next hen party I will give everyone a box so we can get through them a bit quicker.


Will also have to make a few jars of lemon curd and give it away.

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Well I just went egg collecting and I have a full house of 9 eggs.




From left to right we have dots, gingers, berthas, cocos, bumbles, dippys, perdys, pluckys and buffys.


Now I just need to work out what to do with them all. In my addicton to chicken keeping I neglected to wrk out hat to do with all the eggs!!!!


Wow what a lot of eggs I wouldn't know what to do with that many each day. I am worried what I will do with 4 each day. How nice that you get such nicely colored eggs.

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