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Tessa the Duchess

Really mad

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I scored 5 bags of smokeless fuel from Freecycle, picked them up over the Easter weekend. The guy I got them from said he had been clearing his cellar and had found it all in the coal hole. We tried it the same night, it was completely useless, I know coke takes a long time to 'take' but even after 2 hours there was barely a glow :( Tried it again the next night with the same result. So we took it all up the dump :roll: Three days later the same guy posted more bags of smokeless fuel on Freecycle, so I e.mailed him and told him the stuff was useless and would he please remove his listing, so others would not waste their time schlepping useless stuff home and then to the dump. He mailed back saying Thanks and sorry for my trouble :roll: Then today two people used the 'Received' facility to thank him for the fuel they had just picked up :evil::evil:


I am absolutely hopping mad at this bloke. Ok I didn't think he had given me useless stuff deliberately, but he certainly did with the other two freecyclers, just to save himself going to the tip :evil:


My problem is should I e.mail the two people who picked up the fuel from him today, telling them that he knew it was rubbish but still listed it and gave it away. I don't like to cause trouble unnecessarily, but as I say I am sooooooo ticked off. I would like to suggest to them that they take it back to his house and leave it on the doorstep :wink:



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i think it's great, we've given away guitars, a coffee maker, a budgie cage, some hay, some chicken poo and received; a greenhouse, strawberry plants, books on poultry keeping and smallholding, a dosing ball (when I asked for one) and met some really nice people along the way.


there's always going to be people who abuse the system but i think they're in the minority and it's a great way to recycle unwanted stuff.

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I agree with Poet although I have trouble getting stuff, it's gone seconds after it's advertised and mostly during the day which is annoying, but I have got a few good things and I've got rid of some stuff too

But there's always some who want to spoil it for others. :evil:


Mrs B

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i think it's great, we've given away guitars, a coffee maker, a budgie cage, some hay, some chicken poo and received; a greenhouse, strawberry plants, books on poultry keeping and smallholding, a dosing ball (when I asked for one) and met some really nice people along the way.


there's always going to be people who abuse the system but i think they're in the minority and it's a great way to recycle unwanted stuff.


Absolutely agree Poet :) We've given away a piano, 2 huge bibles, a tent,

a brand new slow cooker (now deeply regretted) :oops: 2 children's snow sledges and loads more. We received, 2 baby stair gates, some fab large

terracotta pots, a huge roll of garden fence wire, a weights bench, chicken keeping books and other stuff. I've never had any problems with Freecycle before.



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We gave away our TP swings, climbing frame and slide to a lady that we felt needed it for her sanity! As a result we had an abusive email from a bloke who did ask before her, but he was so rude and more or less dictated as to when and how he would collect the items, so we chose the other lady instead. So after the second message we knew we had given it to the right person. I wonder why people can't be polite any more, it doesn't hurt anyone and makes the world more pleasant. Meldrew rant over, sorry folks!

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how disappointing, Tessa - I agree though, I'd email the co-ordinator rather than the people who've taken the fuel. It could degenerate into a rather nasty spat otherwise.


There's always someone who spoils things, on the whole I think Freecycle is great.

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Definately email the coordinator, that is part of the reason they are there, freecycle would be a fantastic place without people like that just getting rid of the stuff they are too lazy to take to the dump themselves.


We have generally had a good experience, we have given away a cooker, a fridge, loads of baby items, loads of clothes, chicken poo, shoes, flooring and have received a brand new conservatory furniture set, washable nappies that I'm still making use of, a set of roller blades for Mia, which she loves and still uses, and clothes.


The only problem I have found so far is that people clearly dont wear watches and have turned up really late before, which I hate, especially when you give them your phone number



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I can see why you're peeved but maybe try and look at it from his point of view. If you were giving bags of what you thought was useful coal away and one person said it was no good, would you immediately withdraw it or would you give other people the chance to give it a go? He may genuinely believe that people can get use out of it.

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