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Chicken deficient

Chicken run or electrified netting?

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Our chickens are currently on the allotment out the back of our garden, whilst it gets re-done. We'd like them to have as big a run as possible, but at the moment, we only have the poultry netting set up, and can only let them out ofthe Eglu run when we are around, as a fox has been over the top of it.


Has anyone seen or tried one of these?




Do you think it would be safe enough to keep foxes out? The sides do go underground.


Our other option is to electrify the poultry netting we have from Omlet, but I'm concerned that the chickens will keep zapping themselves :shock:

Has anyone electrified theirs, and if so, what sort of unit do you have, and is it ok to maintain?


Thanks! Lots of questions...and any suggestions greatfully received.

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:D Have no worries about chickens zapping themselves on electrified netting :D


We have an outer perimeter of electric tape to keep foxes away and occasionally the gilrs get to it.


They got a zap :shock: once :shock::shock: twice :shock::shock::shock: third time learnt :D:D


It doesn't hurt them but may save their lives :D:D That has to be good. :D:D


remember electric poultry netting is very common in agriculture, maybe we are a little over protective :oops::oops:

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Hi there

I ordered a 'lucky run' at the weekend but was told yesterday that there was a 4 week wait. I cannot wait that long as I need more space quickly (squabbling chooks) so I have ordered the poultry cage from Harold Horticulture. I will report back as soon as it arrives


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It sounds as if your set up is the same as mine. I have just moved the chooks out of the little garden of my terraced house onto the allotment behind. I have the eglu and run set up and an enclosure of the omlet netting. At the moment they get let out of the run into the netted area when anyone is around. My neighbours will let them out if they are on their allotments too and for the time being it will have to do. I'm not sure I would trust the netting even if electrified to stop a fox I don't think. Thankfully as my neighbours are retired and here a lot more than me they always let the girls out if they are around and about. They were absolutely fine the whole of last summer. and spent a lot of time in the enclosure rather than the eglu run

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The aluminium runs look good except that they only use polyethylene netting not weldmesh or even wire. I'd be concerned that the fox could chew through the netting.


I'd only consider one if it came with weldmesh or I could convince OH to replace the netting with it

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The omlet netting does seem a lot at first but when you buy it is really useful. Our chickens are surrounded by the electrified netting, when they got their first shock they did not go near it again.


The Energisers that you can buy are normally quite expensive, The one that we use hangs off the netting and uses batteries.


Here is a link to that page




The energiser costs £49 but if you have not got a metal pole (for the earth stake) then you will have to get an earth stake from somewhere else.

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