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Hi All,


OK, here's the story .... my husband has built a beautiful PERMANENT run on paving slabs - pavers covered with a nice thick layer of aubiose. I have an Eglu Cube.


Brought home 4 lovely chickens (POL) on Thursday and I expected they'd know what to do!! :D:D


BUT: Despite having two types of feeder - 1 galvanized one and the Omlet Grub one, they don't seem to have a clue about eating from either. They just seem to do nothing but eat the aubiose and I can't help but worry that they are starving.


I've made them a lovely dust bath but they've not been anywhere near it and they just huddle together and peck around over one corner of the run - an area of about 1msq. The run is 11msq!!


They've got the hang of coming out of the Eglu (although they looked rather precarious coming down the ladder) but they've yet to make their own way back up the ladder to go to bed. I've helped them each night. :cry:


I've sprinkled some pellets around on the ground this morning which they all dived on ... so they are obviously wanting to eat.


Anyone got any ideas on how to "teach" them to eat from a feeder rather than the ground and how to tempt them away from the corner of the run?? :shock:


I just assumed they'd know what to do ..... and they'd be so pleased with the space!!!


Am I expecting too much too soon???? :roll:


Thanks for your help.


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They probably are used to eating from a feeder on the floor.


Why not put the pellets in a heavy dish for a day or so, and also put the grub lower down, even on its back on the floor, IYSWIM so that they notice the food and help themselves.


Don't worry, they will get the hang of it.


Also, younger chickens eat what seems to be very little, until they come into lay, and then their appetite quadruples.

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Hi Karen

Welcome to you and your chooks :)

Sounds like you have a great set up for your girls....lucky things.

They do take time to settle down. My thoughts would be....are you feeding them the same type of food as they are used to? ie some chickens are fed layer pellets and some mash. Secondly I would position the grub fairly high so they have to stretch to eat - my chooks all do that - also stops bordom! as it takes longer for them to eat. Don't feed and treats or corn until they are feeding well on their proper food.

I would be more worried if they were not drinking.

I am sure things will settle down soon.

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They probably are used to eating from a feeder on the floor.


Why not put the pellets in a heavy dish for a day or so, and also put the grub lower down, even on its back on the floor, IYSWIM so that they notice the food and help themselves.



:lol::lol: We have just said the opposite!!! very funny :lol::lol:


I also meant to say 'good luck'

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Mine pecked on the top of the grub first - if you are having problems I would start with the grub on the floor (almost on its back, so opening is upwards and once they get use to it slowly move it up the side of the run to the normal height.


What type of chooks are they?



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I expect they are still a bit nervous while they settle in - everything will be unfamiliar to them.


You could try sprinkling the pellets on the floor but closer to the feeders - they might get the hang of it that way!


Also dont worry about the dust bath yet - mine weren't interested for a couple of weeks - just as I was about to give up and take it away I found both of them in there throwing sand everywhere :roll:

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Hi Tracy,

Re: What type of chooks are they?


The chooks are 2 Rhode Island Red crosses and 2 Sussex crosses - 1 light coloured and 1 dark coloured. They are cuuuuute!!!


AND: to everyone who's taken the trouble to reply: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP !! :lol::lol:


I will try the suggestions given and keep my fingers crossed!!!


Karen :D:D

(cube red)

GNR - Babs

GNR - Bunty

PP - Bridget

(white chicken) - Beryl

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Hi Karen,


My chooks are in the same learning phase as yours :)


After reading this thread I think I'm just going to sit tight and make sure I don't feed any titbits until they are eating layers pellets normally.


I did try putting a few pellets on the ground by the grub containers and one bird got the idea straight away.


They are using the dust bath and entering and leaving the eglu unaided (day 2) and the Gingernut Ranger (Maggie) is already taking food from my hand. I'm well pleased with their progress to date. :D

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My new little ones aren't eating much. I think we expect them to eat more than they do. They will start eating more when they get bigger: you have been warned.


Also the bad weather puts them off coming out much: mine didn't like the wind, and hid inside the Eglu house to such an extent that I had to shurt them out of it for a few hours when it wasn't raining in the hope that they would eat something.


I have had them for six days, and they are now beginning to get the idea with the pellets. They seem to spill a lot, but pick it up off the ground later. But they won't touch treats like grapes or sweetcorn.


No hen has ever starved to death because it doesn't know how to eat. The pullets being sold at this time of year are likely to be very young, and this means they haven't been on pellets for very long at all.

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Whenever I've had new ones they always try to eat their bedding, you should see the size of them now though!


The only thing I would add is make sure if you are putting pellets on the floor that they get eaten or cleared away at the end of each day, because you don't want to encourage vermin. It might make it easier for you to clear up if you put them in something like a cat litter tray.


They'll get the hang of it soon.


Enjoy your new chooks!

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We've only had our 5 for a couple of weeks and they don't eat very much yet. They are eating about a cup of pellets a day which is not much at all and are far more interested in tasting everything else they can find including their bedding.


They only things that they are guaranteed to eat every day other than their pellets are the moss off the patio :clap:, mealworms and the soil in their dustbath :roll: . They haven't worked out how to dustbath properly yet

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Hi - we must have the greedy ones then! :shock: They took to the layers pellets quickly but they seemed to struggle with the glug so they have a water dish on the floor too.

After 3 and a bit weeks, ours will eat almost anything. Their favourite is mixed corn, which I throw into the run as they love scratching for it. Our routine is to let them out for an hour or so before bedtime, then get them back into the run by shaking their treat bowl....works everytime :wink: then they take themselves off to bed. :D

I have to say that I was surprised that they took a while to get used to the ladder on the cube. :roll::roll::roll:

Good luck!

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I wouldnt worry too much if a chicken is hungry it will find food and the dustbathing is something that will come with time too. Mine didnt start doing it until we had them for about 4 weeks, now we have to lift them up out of the little trenches they make themselves where I once used to have plants :roll::lol: .



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Aw thanks everyone for your helpful advice ... and reassurance :lol::lol:


I feel much better! The girls were HUGELY better today - eating more, drinking well and scratching around all over the whole run and even admiring themselves in the mirror I put up for them. They are so CUTE!! :D:D


Thanks again ... I'll be back, no doubt with more questions!! :shock:

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