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Eating Eggs.

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I'm sure theres info on here, but I can't instantly find it - could someone give me a few links please ?


Basically, on Thursday, we found ONE soft egg in the eglu but not in the nesting box as normal.

Usually Chikki lays about 6 a week, Boo about 3 (at present)

Since, Thursday - no eggs .... but today I found shell in the nesting box and lots of matted shredded paper - matted due to egg white I think.


Why have they started doing this and how do I stop them.? (I'm trying to keep an eye on them and nip out to check for eggs as frequently as possible but in the week when I am at work this will be 'impossible')


They had been so good up till now (sighs)


Thanks, H

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I suspect it may have just been a soft egg and that it got sat on-this happened to us last week. It means that the egg has come out of the chicken's system too quickly before the thick outer shell has properly built up.


It sometimes just happens and there isn't a reason for it, but add some soluble grit to their feed like oyster shell and the problem should be sorted.

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Get an egg shell and blow the egg. Fill it with mustard and leave it for them to find. You could also try leaving some rubber eggs in the nest box. They will tire of trying to eat them and will hopefully stop eating their own.


If this doesn't stop them, try bumper bits.


All the best

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I have the tub that Omlet sell - they tend to eat around it !!



My girls started laying soft shells. I tried them with baked and ground up eggshell and they too pecked all around it, eating the rest and leaving all the eggshell. I tried mixing it with mashed bannana ..... they love banana and because its sticky, the egg shell sticks to it. You could try that with the grit.

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'Panic' over - eventually they both layed PERFECT eggs today.

Sporadic laying in last few days.

They've avoided the grit and the limestone flour hasn't arrived yet (perhaps its so powerful, just ordering does the job!)


Since nothing has changed, I'm inclined to think they had a shock - as they both stopped att he same time.


Suppose, I'll never know.


Anyway, fingers crossed, they're back to being perfect girls.


Thanks forthe support, H

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Egluntine swears by limestone flour for persistent soft shells - it is absorbed by them more easily. Can get it off ebay (usually sold as a tortoise feed supplement) Just sprinkle some into their feed. 8)


Me again - my 2 are messing me around again - approx once a week they lay a soft egg and then are fine. The food is the same on all days.

I want them OK for when I go on hols.


How much limestone flour should I give them ?

- currently I'm sprinkling approx 1/2 teaspoon on their sweetcorn treat each day (between 2) does that sound about right ??


Thanks, H

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Hazel, not sure of exact quantities of limestone flour, but mine are doing the same as yours. I get softies from at least one of them (not sure which though) so I'm giving 5ml (= 1 tsp) of limestone flour a day to combat this.


Mine have always eaten the "softies" but just this week I've seen them jump on and eat a "thin" shelled egg and I've notcied less eggs since I've been away for a few days. So I think mine have develped a nasty little egg eating habit. But I do get 2/3 eggs a day, so I think they are only eating the ones with very thin shells. So I'll continue with the Limestone flour daily.


Sorry to rant, didn't help with your question, but wanted to let you know my lot are doing the same this past few weeks.

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