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Pictures of the girls in the sunshine

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Took these after being outside with the girls and also doing 2 bum washes think one of them had a sort of prolapse? seemed to go back allright but don't know - One of them has a very red bum - think its the same one but all seems ok and looks like new feathers coming in?? Not sure whats going on

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Great pics.


Worrying about the bottom though. Rubber gloves and vaseline at the ready?



I wonder if it was stress as I picked her up and put her in the utility sink and washed her bum and it was then there was a large protrusion - I had a rubber glove on and pushed gently and it seemed to go in but its the red below that that I was worried about - unless she has been plucking but no sign of mites etc and they dont seem itchy. She has been fine since and still outside at 7.55 free ranging all together but itching to be to bed - running in and out of the run! LOL

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Lovely pictures susan :D


It has been a nice sunny day hasn't it, except when I went out for half an hour to pressure wash the Eglu and it rained :roll:



I washed mine yesterday and changed the roosting bars and just had to empty the poo tray of paper to-day - it was dry yesterday when I did it but windy and they did not like the top off the eglu!!!!!!!!!! They were all bok boking about me

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