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Mrs Frugal


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Could I please ask everyone posting photographs to make sure that they are of a suitable size for the forum. If they are too big, they push the text sideways and this looks awful. As a result, the poor moderators (Christian has been an absolute saint) have to resize them for you.


Resizing is really easy if you use Photobucket and if we can resize them, so can you :wink: .


Lesley's written a guide to resizing photographs here and I'm afraid that repeat offenders will just have their photographs deleted as we really don't want to be giving up the time we put into the forum voluntarily to be continually resizing photographs which you could be doing yourselves.


Thanks for your cooperation.

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May I suggest that, if possible, repeat offenders get the link to the helpful sites posted to them in a private message? I don't know if that'd be too much hassle for moderators, if it is then obviously a sticky is fine. I learned how to reduce picture size on this forum, so I'm sure most people could too... but just thinking of people who are new to the forum and enthusiastically post a few pics of their chooks, coops, and so on... do you think it'd be possible to send them a 'custom' message with a link to instructions on how to resize their pics, and only delete their pics if they ignore that?


That might be what you had in mind anyway, so sorry if I'm preaching for a gained cause :D I just know I occasionally really put my foot in it when I'm new to something, and it can take very explicit instructions to get me right again :)

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May I suggest that, if possible, repeat offenders get the link to the helpful sites posted to them in a private message? I don't know if that'd be too much hassle for moderators, if it is then obviously a sticky is fine.


Christian has been an absolute star and has taken this job on and does PM people with instructions to explain how to resize the photos. It is extra hassle though and it is very frustrating for him and other mods who resize photos to see the same people still posting large photos despite being told how to do it so I'm hoping the sticky will suffice. If it is someone who hasn't posted photos before, a PM is definitely sent to explain the methods though.

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right here goes.........I hope this makes sense


in the 'upload area' there is the word/link ....(options)..... just above and to the right of the first.... 'choose file'.... button.


If you click on the (options) it will take you to a screen that allows you to choose the size of all uploads. You can then select 'message board' and hey presto all future uploaded pics will be automatically 'message board' size.


Any photos already on your account prior to you changing this setting will have to be altered individually to MB size.



Now I'm sure someone will come along and explain this more clearly (please feel free to do so) but hopefully this will help :D

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Last time I tried to put a picture on the forum, it showed as one size on Photobucket but came up huge in the message!

When I went back in to try & re-size, Photobucket kept crashing & shutting down all internet programmes I had running. I tried at least half a dozen times with the same result before giving up.... :evil:

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Someone once posted this link on the forum too :



It's a fantastic website, very easy and straightforward, especially useful for resizing pics for avatars, but also for message boards... Though it only resize pics, so you still have to upload them somewhere to post them on a thread. Might be good for anyone who'd rather upload their pics on the gallery here than use photobucket.

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