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Ex batt girls learn quickly!

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We've had the big girlies since Friday and have been loving watching them in their new found freedom. :D


They have been having a good scratch around in the hemcore, kicking it about and then digging up the grass underneath, Rizzo had her first dustbath which was lovely to see. :D


Today I went out with a tin of sweetcorn, thinking (stupidly) that they would not eat it as they have never seen it before. How wrong was I :shock: Not only do they LOVE the stuff, they were falling over themselves to be the first to peck it out from between my fingers. How lovely is that :D


They are so quick to learn, next time I went out they started jumping at my hands to see if I had anything for them! 8)

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Yes, I know about the fingers now :lol: . Thanks for the warning chickenlass!


I feel a bit scared actually as I'm only used to my teeny pekins :oops: No doubt I'll get used to them quickly.


AND..so much for them being weak and fragile - Frenchy just cleared the chicken wire seperating them from the littlies because apparently I didn't get the sweetcorn to her quick enough! :lol:

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Mine have had some pellets in a bowl, after a few cautious pecks, they wolfed them down, and they have also had a few leaves of spinach, which they stared at for a while and then devoured.


They were sunbathing today too. It was lovely to see.


By the time I had found my camera, they were doing something else :roll:.

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I wasn't sure whether I should be giving them a mixture of treats yet as thought they should maybe settle in first. Wondered if it might upset their tummies or something.


Now I know that you're feeding them a couple of different things Egluntine, I'll start mixing in the pellets too

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I picked up my 3 ex-batts on Sunday. While we were waiting in the queue, we were all amazed at how lively they were. I got my first egg on the way home ! and then another 3 when I got back last night, I am such a proud mum. I gave the girls some grapes last night, they were too frightened to take them from my fingers but soon polished them off when I left them. I will try some corn too, as you say, they certainly seem to pick things up quickly !

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