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Going mad... polystyrene hell

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OK, need to rant, enough is enough.... after all the blooming efforts to reduce and recycle, I find all my little steps are constantly jeopardized by things that get delivered to the house...


OH had a new music system installed... all nice and neat, he is happy with it, and it looks and sounds good... problem is, each piece of equipment, including all the little remotes and each and every speaker, came packaged in not one but two thick cardboard boxes, and tons of huge polystyrene pieces... I have spent ages dismantling each box, and now have four big liners full of huge chunky polystyrene pieces to get rid of...


What is the point??? I have moved house a few times, and find that with a bit of care and attention, most things can actually be loaded onto a truck without multiple layers of polystyrene and cardboard. I understand it might be needed for shipping things, but not for local deliveries...


We once ordered a woodden garden table... it came to our door attached to two huge wood pallets... took me for ever and an axe to actually dismantle those, and there was more waste wood in the delivery, that wood actually making up the table... I wrote to the company to complain about those huge pallets they left me with, but of course they didn't even bother replying...


What is the point of me throwing a tea bag in a wormery, when for each tea bag so composted I end up with polystyrene, cardboard, wood pallets and bubble wrap enough to build a whole cardboard, plastic and polystyrene city...


I just hate packaging...



Rant over...

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I know exactly what you mean. I use bits of polystyrene in the bottom of plant-pots, to create drainage space and to fill up big pots if you don't need the full depth of soil, but that's about the only use I've ever found for them, and they are just small bits.


I wish it was recycle-able, but I don't think it is. It is frustrating, isn't it.

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I hate polysterene too :evil: I think they should use popped popping corn for packaging instead of polystyrene, at least it would be compostable.


That stuff is really good, even those little bags full of air are better than polystyrene :?


The school near me won't take polystyrene as it breaks up into a terrible mess and can't be cleaned up easily, the children get it everywhere.


Horrid stuff :evil:

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I hate everything about polystyrene, the noise it makes and the feel of it are just arghh. On the subject of popcorn instead, I received a box set from lush ( a naturalish cosmetic company) this christmas and that was packaged in popcorn. I thouht it was such a great idea. I just wish others would use it.



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You could try offering the polystyrene on Freecycle - there might be someone in your local area who sends a lot of stuff through the post and could use some free packing material.


I appreciate that this only shifts the disposal problem to someone else, but you didn't make it in the first place :(

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I just wish people wouldn't make 'disposable' things that are essentially indestructible.




I like Lush's approach - they used to use shredded s"Ooops, word censored!" paper for packing material, but now they use popcorn. It goes straight on the compost heap and smells lovely for a little while! :lol:

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