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Pepsi is driving me up the wall!

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Pepsi has always been very vocal but just recently she is getting worse :evil:


From the moment she comes out of the Eglu to when she goes to roost she shrieks very loudly :evil: She shrieks when she wants to lay an egg and afterwards, she shrieks when the others go to lay and afterwards too. she shrieks all day long and she is doing my head in :evil:


In the winter she is quiet and when she is broody she is quiet. I wish she would go broody. This morning I have been praying that the Gulls would come and sit on the house roof to drown out her noise.


I have just got very angry with her and kicked the run hard to shut her up :oops: It is a lovely morning and I have shut the back door and kitchen window so that I can't hear her (but I can).


I just don't know what to do :(

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My only advice would be to give her something to do to take her mind off it - mine seem to make much less noise when they're out of the run, or given some corn to scratch about for.

:roll: But I've had some vocal girls in the past - some of them just won't shut up for anything, will they?! :lol:

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Oh how aweful for you. i know how you feel i let mine out to free range one day and they turned into monsters overnight. i cant afford to upset the neighbours and as they have large run ( 12x8) they will not be able to come out again. Goodness have you had complaints yet? someone will be along to give you good advice but rehoming may be your only option if it keeps going. rather re-home one than forced to re-home all

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The noise a pekin can make is just so not in proportion to their size!! :shock:


Sorry you are having this problem. Has anything changed to make her like this? Is something upsetting her? My wyandotte gets all put out if I accidentally change the angle of the eglu after I've cleaned it. :roll: Would a short period of isolation calm her down a bit?

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If you really can't stand it any longer and are worried about getting complaints from the neighbours, what about getting a water pistol and giving her a squirt when she's making too much noise.


She should start to associate the noise with getting wet and learn to keep quiet.


I have to admit though, I'm a bit of a softie and would only do this as a last resort

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Thanks for the advice :D I went out and bought a small water pistol today :P I've not had to use it yet :roll: as Pepsi has been quieter today, maybe the run kicking did the trick :oops: I think she is on the verge of going broody :):? so a few days of peace and quiet.

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Much sympathy on the noise - my late Speckledy took to squawking constantly to be let out of the run during her last few months, but since she shut up every time I went out into the garden, the water pistol trick didn't help. The constant noise, though not very loud, drove me to distraction :(


  superjules said:
My wyandotte gets all put out if I accidentally change the angle of the eglu after I've cleaned it


Wyandottes are such fusspots, aren't they? Mine tells on the others if they misbehave (like flying up onto the fence, or getting out when she is shut in) :lol:

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