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Sarah B

The Funniest Thing.....

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Hi All,


Had to share this as I've been giggling about it today. :D Yesterday when I got in from work I let the girls out for a quick free range. Tikka must have been in a funny mood. As she is not laying yet and Madras is, when they are free ranging Madras just pecks the ground and everything in sight and Tikka seems to take on the role of 'guard chicken'.


They had half a corn on the cob and were playing beak football with it munching with gusto when Tikka spotted one of my cats who is scared of the chickens and decided to run across the garden at her, wings flapping and bokking to see her off - which she did I may add.


Then the funniest thing happened! She was about 10 feet from Madras looked over and saw Madras was polishing off the last of the corn on the cob and proceeded to sprint towards her - wings flapping and erm head butted her up the jacksy! LOL :lol::lol: Poor Madras didn't see it coming shoot a foot forward uttering a very suprised boooooookk :D How I laughed.


They were back to being best friends 5 mins later! :)


I wish I had been filming it as it would have been £250 from 'you've been framed' which could go towards the cost of the Eglu! :shock:

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Well, re reckon she is a Ginger NUTS Ranger because this evening she did the tearing across the garden thing again to one of my cats who was doing nothing and then again teared back towards Madras but this time stopped short of a headbutt!!!! :D:D


I'll try and film something on my phone next time we let them out!

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