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little chickadee

chicken poo - advice on it's use please !

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Hi - We're going at the allotment again and have chicken poo this year - bags of it! Do we need to let the poo rot down a bit, or are there some things which don't mind it neat? I seem to remember somewhere about putting it in a trench for the runner beans, but don't know how long it needs leaving.


What do you do?

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Hi chickadee!


I save it up for a while and leave it out in the open in a tub to rot a bit before using it directly where plants are growing - if you put fresh manure into soil, it will use up nitrogen that the plants need. Maybe that's not such an issue for beans, since they can lock atmospheric nitrogen in their root nodules, but on the other hand you wouldn't want to plant directly into fresh manure as it will burn the plant's roots. So you want the trench to have a good layer of soil on top of the poo.


However I also scattered a thin layer on a mostly unused salad bed in winter and left it to rot down, and that seems to have worked very well - the parsley from last year is thriving, and the self-seeded coriander is shooting up!


Make the most of the poo - it's a great chicken-keeping bonus for us gardeners!

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