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Hypnotised Chicken

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A friend came over and hypnotised Ginger!! :shock: Apparently it is an ancient Australian art (she's Australian!) Al Gore can do it too!

It was very strange. As you can see from my You Tube upload - Ginger's out of it for about 40 seconds! :shock:




She was still "awake" in that her eyes were moving, but she just lay there. According to my friend this is good for calming and rebalancing the chicken and they do it on all sorts of animals including crocodiles! :shock:

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This is so funny ... a friend came to tea on Sunday with her ten-year old son, who was just desperate to try and hypnotise a chicken - I think he must have seen this done on TV or something. We let them out, and I obligingly held one of the quietest ones so that he could make movements in front of her eyes. It didn't seem to work!


However he was doing very similar movements to this ... perhaps I should have put her down on the patio like your friend. I had never heard of chicken-hypnotising before!


I did suggest that if he got her under the influence, he could suggest that she stopped picking on the smallest chicken. Do you think we could hypnotise them to lay more eggs? :wink:

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I remember there was something about this on the forum last year - where you could hypnotise a chicken by drawing a chalk line on the ground in much the same way the girl is using her finger in the video.


I know this because I ended up with dozens of chalk lines on my concrete :roll:

no hypnotised chickens though although they did steal a piece of chalk each :shock:

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It just looks squashed to me.

I wonder if this stops chicken bullying? :roll:


Yeah - it would be pretty cool if you could behaviour change them: "Ven I snap my fingers you vill not attack your chicken sisters. You vill not feather pluck any more...."


As it was she just lay there. My friend completely removed her hands from her and she lay completely still for 30-40 seconds!

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