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Guest chookiehen

Murdo, I'm confused.......

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What colour did you decide on eventually?


There seems to be about 100 topics about it, and they all seem to say different things.


Did you go with the pink to go with the yellow Eglu?


Did my ever-so-subtle hints work?

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aaaaaaaah - excellent - glad to see that they went with the pink glug for the yellow eglu.


Of course, you know what that means.......


*Shona clears her throat*





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Some days we go for the Mr Blobby but there are so many variations possible that I think the Underling is still trying to decide which is best, I'm leaving it to him he needs practice making decisions :):)


As we are now up to seven chickens :!::!:( (white chicken) Blossom arrived today) I imagine before very long he'll be thinking an extra glug and grub might be a good idea so then we can do it all again and as last time we started off thinking we needed a new glug and ended up with a new eglu/grub/glug/and 2 run extensions heaven help us!

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As we are now up to seven chickens :!::!:( (white chicken) Blossom arrived today) I imagine before very long he'll be thinking an extra glug and grub might be a good idea so then we can do it all again and as last time we started off thinking we needed a new glug and ended up with a new eglu/grub/glug/and 2 run extensions heaven help us!

NO !!!!!



Please MD save us from that :!:


:cry::cry: BEG BEG BEG :lol::lol:

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