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Help, homes needed

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A dear friend of mine has just lost her mum and been left with a mini menagerie, the circumstances are difficult and the animals desperately need new homes soon, is there anyone who has space for any extras or any suggestions for ways to rehome any of these, they don't have to be a job lot, I feel especially sorry for the call duck who has lost his mate :(:(


It's all very difficult as my friend is in London, the animals are in Thingwall on the Wirral and the options for looking after them are running out , the list below is what was emailed me this morning I left the bit about birdflu in because I was sure someone could at least tell us what the situation on that one is , there aren't any restrictions on moving birds in the uk at the moment are there??


anyway lets not get side tracked, here is the list of poor homeless ones




'Herewith a list of animals that need good homes. They live in Thingwall, Wirral. However I am unsure whether the birds can be moved due to bird flu:

1 elderly call duck


1 muscovy duck (more goose than duck)


1 pair of geese 6 yrs old


3 F1 hybrid hens 5 yrs old still laying


2 female golden Guernsey goats (good tempered breed) 9 yrs and 15 yrs old. (I am concerned that there is enough feed for these for just 3 days).


A donkey (26 yrs old) and companion – a Jacob sheep


I'd love the goats but am still working on getting the 7th hen so think 2 goats would be pushing my luck, do you think anyone would notice if a White Star was sneaked in to our run, I'm quite confident I could get another coloured hen in and it would go undetected for months but a White Star :?::?: maybe I could get it muddy first :?: (I know, I know as MD I really shouldn't have to be sneaky but sometimes I like the others to think they are involved in decision making ,good for morale and in case I need someone to blame when things go wrong , obviously the underlings opinion doesn't count but don't tell him :):) )




Anyone interested or any helpful suggestions please let me know

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Difficult circumstances aside, this worries me....

It is the smallholding complete with donkey and goat a lot of omleteers would like. Someone is going to go crazy I can just see it :roll:

....or Lesley will need more room on her signature :wink::lol:


I'm not sure the muddy chicken thing would work, my whitish ones spotted the brown one straight away :wink::lol:

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Right.. I have sent out some emails, to people who might be interested.


I would be happy to rescue a few chickens, but would have to clear it with motherhen first, as really we are only meant to rescue ex battery chooks!


I have a"possible" for the donkey..

failing that have you tried the rspca and local vets? they have a list of local small holders who might be able to take them on!


Kaz x

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There are a couple of other options she might like to try as well.


There will be a number of city farms, petting areas in farms for the public to visit etc, (tourist info for that area might be able to help with a list of them) and they may well be able to take some or all of the animals that can't be rehomed elsewhere.


The other people to contact are the RSPCA - they don't just do cats and dogs and in these circumstances I would expect them to be able to help with any you can't find homes for. I would suggest her contacting them fairly soon as they may need some warning to arrange temporary homes for such a menagerie.


ps I've checked defra website and nothing about restrictions on poultry movements outside the small area around fife :D

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The Donkey Sanctuary, in Sidmouth will take the Donkey free of charge and rehome him (and the sheep), if he is up to it.

It is an incredible place and totally state of the art. My two came from there, and I would have no qualms about ever relinquishing an animal to them: They are looked after amazingly.

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No! No! No! - I'm not looking, please don't make me look :?


We've already got to rehome 8 cockerel chicks, 2 half grown cockerels and 2 ducks - and we haven't moved yet!


I hope someone is able to help out - why not post this message on the River Cottage site? There may be more people with enough land?

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How did I miss this post this morning :?:

I work right next to Thingwall and only live 20 mins away :!:

Problem is - I am currently in North Wales for Easter - however I will get my thinking cap on and email round for homes - which are actually left :?:


I was thinking of getting two more hens - but I don't think I could get three more in as I have two already and they spend a lot of time in the run (although we do have the converter on the end).


But will email round local people re rehoming....

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thanks purplehen, am trying to get an update on the situation with the animals, this thread actually started a week ago and a week can be a long time on the forum :roll::roll: I shall endeavour to find out who still needs a home but my friends email is refusing to work and I think they are away for at least part of easter, please though ask around and I'll update things as soon as I can



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Good news for old Donk then....phew! Was having a sleepless time over them, as this will really affect the donkey deeply if s/he's not handled carefully and sensitively. Kaz/MD, can you PM me and let me know what will happen to these particular animals?

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thanks purplehen, am trying to get an update on the situation with the animals, this thread actually started a week ago and a week can be a long time on the forum :roll::roll: I shall endeavour to find out who still needs a home but my friends email is refusing to work and I think they are away for at least part of easter, please though ask around and I'll update things as soon as I can




Ok so you knew that was me right


SORRY :oops::oops::oops:

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Ok well I have been in touch about the homeless ones and they are all still homeless except hopefully the donkey and the sheep who Kaz has found a home for (thankyou Kaz, I have pm'd you too)


thankyou too purplehen I think the rest of the animals will still be homeless when you get back from your easter break so if you have any leads we will be very grateful


I shall keep you all updated on how things go and hopefull ywe will have everybody safely rehomed soon :):)

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OK - more info.


For the goats, this is reasonably close: http://www.thegoatsanctuary.org


This children's farm is only an hour or so away: http://www.freewebs.com/wildlifetrainer


And this farm is VERY close and seems to have a great assortment of animals so I'm sure they might be worth trying as well: 0151 625 6477 (Larton Livery, is a livery / small farm / shop)


When I get home tomorrow I might knock on a ladies door who lives near me re the geese - are all the animals except the donkey and sheep still needing homes?

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