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Nervous about candling eggs!

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Hi - I have got to candle my eggs tonight - 10th day they have been in the incubator, so best time to do it. My sister was supposed to come & do it, but she is too busy tonight & we are away tomorrow for the weekend. So I have got to do it myself....any tips? I'm so nervous that none will be fertile - I'll be chuffed if just one is. I'm worried about the eggs being out the incubator ( although they are ok for up to 20 minutes), I'm worried that my hands are too cold, I'm worried that my hands must be very very clean & I'm worried about dropping an egg! What a worrier eh?

It really must be done tonight, as the transparency of the eggs will start to go from now onwards if fertile. I'm hoping to maybe see some movement!!!


Wish me luck!!!



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Hi - right, I think we have a definite 2 fertile & almost sure of a third.

We saw the air sac obviously, then sort of clear with a dark curved mass for approx 2/3 of the egg on all of these, with a small clear bit towards the top on one of them. I have rang my sister & spoke with her & she says I should she veins. I have looked up pictures on the internet & it only shows pictures of the veins at 6 days & less. This is day 11 with my eggs & mine look just the same as this!!!!!






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They don't necessarily show veins Emma - none of mine ever did.


If the egg shell looks 'porous' though and 'dotty', it will be infertile - that one that you show looks fertile to me. You can get a good idea if you rotate the egg as you candle it.


Very dark eggs and quail eggs are impossible to candle.


theer was a website somewheer with brilliant photos of candling and what to look for. I can't remember the url, but if you google for candling images, you'll be sure to find it.

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Thanks Claret! We did rotate the eggs whilst doing it, the dark mass floated & something ' bumped' against the air sack! There was definite movement in 2 of the eggs. They all looked like the above picture! :D

No dotty porous looking shells. Hubby was amazed when we saw movement - he's already Christened one Fuzzy felt - oh & apparently they are HIS chicks!!! :roll: I'll just wait now, don't think I'll candle them again, just let nature take its course!


Due a week on Monday! :D



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