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Lone Ranger

Snow Covered Chooks !!

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My eglu looked the same this morning.

I swept it off with a broom and opened the eglu door and then the run door.

They just stood there - I coaxed them out onto the patio (just) where the snow had melted but they just would not go onto the grass where there was snow !!

They has a job to get back into the run because there was a 6 inch strip of snow at the entrance !


My 2 are just wimps - I'm so dissapointed !!



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We had snow too. It's melting fast now, but very pretty first thing. Fortunately the girls were dry in their covered run. :)




Although he's not in this photo, the paw prints in the foreground were made by my house rabbit exploring a strange white world! :lol:

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Hi iChicken, mine were both like your first pic - when I opened the door to the run they were just stood there like 'what the heck' is that :shock: !! they weren't the slightest bit interest in coming out of the run, but did take a few tentative steps in the snow.


We only had an hour of snow at about 8am - but it left about 3-4 inches quite quickly. sunny now and starting to melt away.

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Let my two out earlier and took the camera hoping to get some good chickens in the snow shots - not a hope, they refused to tread in anything white looking, walked once up and down the edge of the garden where the hedge stopped the snow touching the ground and promptly walzted off back to the run :roll:

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Ooooh we have lots of snow and it's still coming down. We are on top of the north downs in kent so we always get a lot. My chickens love it and have been out all day - they couldn't wait to get out in it and have been in their run all day. It is now sooo covered you can't see them anymore. All week they have been hiding like woosy chickens in their Eglu - but today they are acting all brave!!!


So it's well and truly an igloo today!





PS: we have had thema week today!!!! yay!

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