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IKEA organic jam...YUK!

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A word of warning!


I was quite chuffed to find IKEA selling organic jams in their quirky swedish shop. Anyway yesterday had to make a Princess Barbie :oops: cake for my niece, so popped open the strawberry, spread it all over my home baked sponge and popped the spoon into my mouth(as you do!)


Yuk Yuk Yuk, it was like a redcurrant chutney thing....definately had vinegar and lumps of red that were not strawberry. Lots of things that were not on the label in there!! I had to slice a layer of sponge off just to get rid of it. Consequently Barbie now has a short skirt!! I phoned IKEA to rant and also to point out that they might like to just check one of the other jars that are so very wrongly labled, but they did not care a jot!


If I keep the jar and receipt they will give me back the £1.25.


Thats their shop off my favourites list!



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Hey, I have just taken delivery of a leather sofa from Laura Ashley. It has taken 3 months to come, cost £2,000 and it has got 7 huge digs in it, one right on the fromt seat cushion.

The delivery guys who unpacked it tut-tutted, but weren't surprised and started to regale me with how things are thrown around the warehouse and put on the vans etc.

I have made a complaint already and am awaiting a service engineer to make an appointment to come out and assess it.

Why do we have to put up with this? It must cost them more in the long run than if they took more care with people's stuff. I'm furious! But I feel better now. :oops:

Thanks for listening! :roll:

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Oh how irritating Annie :evil:


I bought some equipment for work from a fairly big scandinavian company (not Ikea) and when the units arrived one was really smashed of course we couldn't tell till after the delivery guy had gone and they were all unpacked :roll:


Fortunately alot of people had received damaged units from this driver and the company were great and replaced the whole thing and at £2000 per unit it wasn't a cheap afternoon :lol:


I hope Laura ashley come up trumps for you :?

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