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Fur 'n' Feathers

They're Here!!! They're Here!!! - Hoorah!!!! + first pics!

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We have got our hennies :lol::lol::!::lol::!::lol::lol:


We went to Churchman's this morning at 9am and Mary helped us pick three WONDERFUL girls from her flock :clap::dance: . They look really healthy and have settled into the eglu well already: eating the sand dustbath :roll: . the mixed grit, grass and the layers pellets from the grub.


All calm. They didn't struggle too much when they were picked up.


Krasi has been the most vocal and adventurous from the start when she was handed to us :roll::roll: but it's a delightful sound and we think is because she's eyeing up the garden :roll::wink:


Kilo is taking her time wandering about and eating. Miso was the last to come out of the eglu (we popped them in via the egg port to help them locate themselves) and seems the less adventurous of the three but happy at her own pace.


Their combs are all small, although Krasi's is the most advanced, so a way to some eggs yet. They're eighteen weeks old.


We're soooooo pleased and excited. Lovely fluffy bums :!::!: (their's not our's :!::lol: )


A little plug for Churchman's. We found Mary really friendly and helpful. All the hens are kept in a big barn but they appear healthy and well.

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Thanks for spotting the rampant addiction Druid57 :oops:


We have been in & out all daylooking at their next antics :P


Krasi likes the dust bath for her feet :o and mutters virtually all the time, whether we're there or not :roll: (checked this out by listening from an upstairs window where she couldn't detect us 8) ) Miso and Kilo just potter about doing their own thing.


As dusk approached we got ready with the torch in case, but Miso had already taken herself to bed. The others followed by the time it was dark and......silence :shh: and we shut the door. Simple as that 8)


We wonder if our psychology had worked....we introduced them to the eglu via the egg port, closing it between each bird added. They had to find their own way into the run, so they knew where the roosting area was from the start 8):wink:

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They're lovely! My hubby just pointed out "You can tell they've just arrived because the grass is still there!" :lol: We've had our girls since Wednesday and have moved the eglu twice! Mostly because of the bad weather :roll: and not the fact that they are eating it all!

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