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I'm so pleased . . . .

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my hens fluffy bottoms are growing feathers again! :D Two weeks after feather chomping Hazel had a bumper bit fitted things are looking better. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


and . . . . . . . . . after weeks and weeks of cube/run discussions I think I've found an answer to hen location problems. A cube (at last) movable onto a grass playground!!!! That way it won't look like an 'allotment' as OH fears and the cube can be well out of the way when building work starts in the Autumn. Also I'll keep the eglu for introducing new chooks when I need to and . . . . . . is it possible to put cube small door adjacent to eglu door and have an even bigger run? :?:|

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Don't see why not - would you just leave both doors open and "join" the two runs up? Only thing is, how would you get into the runs to put the food/water out :? ?


If they were just put together then I could easily swing the eglu away from the cube to fill up grub and glugs. May not be foxproof though . . . I don't think we have foxes here in town but you never know and I'm always careful.

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